IGMBaseLib 1.0
Data Types | Functions/Subroutines

IcGrid_ncReader_mod Module Reference

This module provides the derived type to manage the information nesessary for reading the physical field data on icosahedral grid from NetCDF file, and some subroutines to read the grid and field data. More...

Data Types

type  IcGrid_ncReader
 IcGrid_ncWriter_mod モジュールを用いて書き出された netCDF 形式の正二十面体格子上の物理量データを読み込むための 情報を管理するための構造型. More...
interface  IcGrid_ncReader_Init
interface  read_FieldData


subroutine IcGrid2D_ncReader_Init (self, ref_icgrid)
 Initializes the variable of derived type IcGrid_ncReader.
subroutine, public open_ncFile (self, file_name)
 Opens the specified NetCDF file.
subroutine, public read_Simulation_Parameter (self, integration_time, time_step, output_tick)
 Reads the simulation parameters from NetCDF file.
subroutine, public read_GridData (self)
 Reads icosahedral grid data from NetCDF file.
subroutine read_Field2D_Data (self, name, field, time_level)
 Reads the physical field data at specified time level time_level from NetCDF file.
subroutine, public close_ncFile (self)
 Closes the NetCDF file.

Detailed Description

This module provides the derived type to manage the information nesessary for reading the physical field data on icosahedral grid from NetCDF file, and some subroutines to read the grid and field data.

About IcGrid2D_FVM_Manager module
  • 読み込む NetCDF ファイルは, IcGrid_ncWriter クラスを用いて書き出された NetCDF ファイルでなければならない.

Copyright (C) GFD Dennou Club, 2011-2012. All rights reserved.
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Yuta Kawai

Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine,public IcGrid_ncReader_mod::close_ncFile ( type(IcGrid_ncReader),intent(in)  self)

Closes the NetCDF file.

[in]selfThe variable of derived type IcGrid_ncReader.

Definition at line 464 of file IcGrid_ncReader_mod.f90.

subroutine IcGrid_ncReader_mod::IcGrid2D_ncReader_Init ( type(IcGrid_ncReader),intent(inout)  self,
type(IcGrid2D_FVM),intent(in),target  ref_icgrid 
) [private]

Initializes the variable of derived type IcGrid_ncReader.

The second argument ref_icgrid must be initialized by init_IcGrid2D_FVM before calling this subroutine.

[in,out]selfThe variable of derived IcGrid_ncReader.
[in]ref_icgridThe variable of derived type IcGrid2D_FVM.

Definition at line 142 of file IcGrid_ncReader_mod.f90.

subroutine,public IcGrid_ncReader_mod::open_ncFile ( type(IcGrid_ncReader),intent(inout)  self,
character(*),intent(in)  file_name 

Opens the specified NetCDF file.

このとき, netCDF ファイル内で定義されている次元情報を読み込み, Mesh2_ncInfo クラスのメンバー変数に格納しておく.

[in,out]selfThe variable of derived type IcGrid_ncReader.
[in]file_nameThe name of NetCDF file.

Definition at line 185 of file IcGrid_ncReader_mod.f90.

subroutine IcGrid_ncReader_mod::read_Field2D_Data ( type(IcGrid_ncReader),intent(in)  self,
character(*),intent(in)  name,
type(Field_IcGrid2D),intent(inout)  field,
integer,intent(in)  time_level 

Reads the physical field data at specified time level time_level from NetCDF file.

[in]selfThe variable of derived type IcGrid_ncReader.
[in]nameThe name of the physical field.
[in,out]fieldThe variable of derived type Field_IcGrid2D in which the physical field data stored.
[in]time_levelTime level.

Definition at line 383 of file IcGrid_ncReader_mod.f90.

subroutine,public IcGrid_ncReader_mod::read_GridData ( type(IcGrid_ncReader),intent(inout)  self)

Reads icosahedral grid data from NetCDF file.

[in,out]selfThe variable of derived type IcGrid_ncReader.

Definition at line 273 of file IcGrid_ncReader_mod.f90.

subroutine,public IcGrid_ncReader_mod::read_Simulation_Parameter ( type(IcGrid_ncReader),intent(inout)  self,
real(DP),intent(out)  integration_time,
real(DP),intent(out)  time_step,
real(DP),intent(out)  output_tick 

Reads the simulation parameters from NetCDF file.

[in]selfThe variable of derived type IcGrid_ncReader.
[in]integration_timeIntegration time [sec].
[in]time_stepTime step[sec].
[in]output_tickOutput time interval [sec].

Definition at line 231 of file IcGrid_ncReader_mod.f90.

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