
Path: dc_utils/dccaltochar.f90
Last Update: Sat Oct 17 23:08:58 +0900 2009


Convert calendar information into strings

Authors:Yasuhiro MORIKAWA
Version:$Id: dccaltochar.f90,v 1.2 2009-10-17 14:08:58 morikawa Exp $
Tag Name:$Name: gtool5-20100924 $
Copyright:Copyright (C) GFD Dennou Club, 2009-. All rights reserved.

Required files


Included Modules

dc_calendar_types dc_calendar_internal dc_types dc_string dc_message

Public Instance methods

Function :
result :character(STRING)
cal :type(DC_CAL), intent(in)
: 暦情報を収めたオブジェクト.

An object that stores information of calendar.

dc_calendar_types#DC_CAL 型変数 cal を文字型変数 result へ変換して返します. 書式は下記のようになります.


CCCC が暦のタイプ (文字数は任意), 以降は一年の月数等の情報となります.

Convert a "dc_calendar_types#DC_CAL" variable cal into a character variable result The format is as follows.


CCCC is a type of calencar (number of strings is arbitrary). The rest is information about number of months of a year, etc.


function DCCalToChar1( cal ) result(result)
  ! dc_calendar_types#DC_CAL 型変数 *cal* を文字型変数 *result* 
  ! へ変換して返します.
  ! 書式は下記のようになります. 
  !   CCCC:month_in_year=MM,day_in_month=(/DD1,.../),hour_in_day=hh,min_in_hour=mm,sec_in_min=ss
  ! CCCC が暦のタイプ (文字数は任意), 以降は一年の月数等の情報となります. 
  ! Convert a "dc_calendar_types#DC_CAL" variable *cal* into
  ! a character variable *result* 
  ! The format is as follows. 
  !   CCCC:month_in_year=MM,day_in_month=(/DD1,.../),hour_in_day=hh,min_in_hour=mm,sec_in_min=ss
  ! CCCC is a type of calencar (number of strings is arbitrary). 
  ! The rest is information about number of months of a year, etc. 
  use dc_calendar_types, only: DC_CAL
  use dc_calendar_internal,only: dccaltype_str
  use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN, DP
  use dc_string, only: toChar, CPrintf, StoA, toChar
  use dc_message, only: MessageNotify
  implicit none
  character(STRING):: result
  type(DC_CAL), intent(in):: cal
                              ! 暦情報を収めたオブジェクト. 
                              ! An object that stores information of 
                              ! calendar. 

  character(TOKEN):: cal_str

  cal_str = dccaltype_str( cal % cal_type )

  result = CPrintf('%c:month_in_year=%d,day_in_month=(/%c/),hour_in_day=%d,min_in_hour=%d,sec_in_min=%f', i = (/ cal % month_in_year, cal % hour_in_day, cal % min_in_hour /), d = (/ cal % sec_in_min /), c1=trim(cal_str), c2=trim(toChar(cal % day_in_month)))

end function DCCalToChar1