Class radiation_short_income
In: radiation/radiation_short_income.f90

短波入射 (太陽入射)

Short wave (insolation) incoming

Note that Japanese and English are described in parallel.

短波入射 (太陽入射) を計算します.

Calculate short wave (insolation) incoming radiation.

Procedures List

ShortIncoming :短波入射 (太陽入射) の計算
———— :————
ShortIncoming :Calculate short wave (insolation) incoming radiation.




Included Modules

gridset dc_types namelist_util dc_message constants timeset axesset dc_calendar gtool_historyauto dc_iounit

Public Instance methods

Subroutine :
xy_IncomRadSFlux(0:imax-1, 1:jmax) :real(DP), intent(out), optional
: 短波 (日射) フラックス. Short wave (insolation) flux
xy_InAngle(0:imax-1, 1:jmax) :real(DP), intent(out), optional
: sec ( 入射角 ). sec ( Incident angle )
DistFromStarScld :real(DP), intent(out), optional
: 軌道長半径でスケーリングした恒星からの距離 Distance from the star scaled by semimajor axis of the planet‘s orbit
xy_CosZet(0:imax-1, 1:jmax) :real(DP), intent(out), optional
: cos( 入射角 ) cos( Incident angle )
FlagDiurnalMeanIns :logical , intent(out), optional

短波入射 (太陽入射) を計算します.

Calculate short wave (insolation) incoming radiation.


  subroutine ShortIncoming( xy_IncomRadSFlux, xy_InAngle, DistFromStarScld, xy_CosZet, FlagDiurnalMeanIns )
    ! 短波入射 (太陽入射) を計算します.
    ! Calculate short wave (insolation) incoming radiation. 

    ! モジュール引用 ; USE statements

    ! 物理定数設定
    ! Physical constants settings
    use constants, only: PI       ! $ \pi $ .
                                  ! 円周率.  Circular constant

    ! 時刻管理
    ! Time control
    use timeset, only: TimeN, InitialDate             ! 計算開始日時.
                                ! Start date of calculation

    ! 座標データ設定
    ! Axes data settings
    use axesset, only: y_Lat, x_Lon    ! $ \lambda $ [rad.] . 経度. Longitude

    ! 日付および時刻の取り扱い
    ! Date and time handler
    use dc_calendar, only: DCCalInquire, DCCalDateEvalSecOfDay

    ! ヒストリデータ出力
    ! History data output
    use gtool_historyauto, only: HistoryAutoPut

    ! 宣言文 ; Declaration statements
    implicit none
    real(DP), intent(out), optional :: xy_IncomRadSFlux (0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
                              ! 短波 (日射) フラックス. 
                              ! Short wave (insolation) flux
    real(DP), intent(out), optional :: xy_InAngle (0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
                              ! sec ( 入射角 ). 
                              ! sec ( Incident angle )
    real(DP), intent(out), optional :: DistFromStarScld
                              ! 軌道長半径でスケーリングした恒星からの距離
                              ! Distance from the star scaled
                              ! by semimajor axis of the planet's orbit
    real(DP), intent(out), optional :: xy_CosZet(0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
                              ! cos( 入射角 )
                              ! cos( Incident angle )
    logical , intent(out), optional :: FlagDiurnalMeanIns

    ! 作業変数
    ! Work variables
    integer:: i                ! 経度方向に回る DO ループ用作業変数
                               ! Work variables for DO loop in longitude
    integer:: j                ! 緯度方向に回る DO ループ用作業変数
                               ! Work variables for DO loop in latitude
    real(DP):: SinDel          ! 赤緯
                               ! Declination
    real(DP):: CosZet          ! 入射角
                               ! Incidence angle
    real(DP):: AngleMaxLon     ! 入射が最大となる緯度

    real(DP):: HourAngle       ! 時角
                               ! Hour angle
    real(DP):: ClockByDay      ! 時刻を日で表記したもの (0.0 - 1.0)
                               ! Clock expressed by day (0.0 - 1.0)

    real(DP) :: xy_IncomRadSFluxLV (0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
                               ! 短波 (日射) フラックス. 
                               ! Short wave (insolation) flux
                               ! (local variable)
    real(DP) :: xy_InAngleLV       (0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
                               ! sec ( 入射角 ). 
                               ! sec ( Incident angle )
                               ! (local variable)
    real(DP) :: DistFromStarScldLV
                               ! Distance between the central star and the planet
                               ! (local variable)
    real(DP) :: xy_CosZetLV        (0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
                               ! cos( 入射角 )
                               ! cos( Incident angle )
                               ! (local variable)

    integer         :: hour_in_a_day, min_in_a_hour
    real(DP)        :: sec_in_a_min, sec_in_a_day

    ! 実行文 ; Executable statement

    ! 初期化
    ! Initialization
    if ( .not. radiation_short_income_inited ) call ShtIncomeInit

    ! Set flag for diurnally averaged insolation : This is temporary one.
    if ( present( FlagDiurnalMeanIns ) ) then
      FlagDiurnalMeanIns = FlagDiurnalMean
    end if

    ! 同期回転日射のフラグ
    ! Flag for synchronous rotation
    if ( .not. FlagRadiationSynchronous ) then

      ! 年, 日平均日射の計算
      ! Calculate annual mean, daily mean insolation

      if ( FlagAnnualMean .and. FlagDiurnalMean ) then

        do i = 0, imax - 1
          do j = 1, jmax
            xy_IncomRadSFluxLV(i,j) = - SolarConst * ( IncomAIns + IncomBIns * cos( y_Lat(j) )**2 )

            if ( xy_IncomRadSFluxLV(i,j) < 0.0_DP ) then
              xy_InAngleLV(i,j) = 1.0_DP / ( IncomAZet + IncomBZet * cos( y_Lat(j) )**2 )
              xy_IncomRadSFluxLV(i,j) = 0.
              xy_InAngleLV(i,j) = 0.
            end if
          end do
        end do

        ! Values below cannot be used.
        DistFromStarScldLV = -1.0_DP
        xy_CosZetLV        = -1.0_DP
        if ( present( DistFromStarScld ) ) then
          call MessageNotify( 'W', module_name, 'Inappropriate value is set to DistFromStarScld.' )
        end if
        if ( present( xy_CosZet ) ) then
          call MessageNotify( 'W', module_name, 'Inappropriate value is set to xy_CosZet.' )
        end if

      else if ( .not. FlagAnnualMean ) then

        ! Set sine of declination and distance between a planet and a central star 
        ! scaled with semi-major axis
        if ( FlagPerpetual ) then
          SinDel             = PerpSinDel
          DistFromStarScldLV = PerpDistFromStarScld
          call ShortIncomCalcOrbParam( SinDel, DistFromStarScldLV )
        end if

        call DCCalInquire( hour_in_day      = hour_in_a_day, min_in_hour      = min_in_a_hour, sec_in_min       = sec_in_a_min )
        sec_in_a_day  = hour_in_a_day * min_in_a_hour * sec_in_a_min

        ! This is old version to be deleted, yot, 2010/09/23.
!!$        ClockByDay = mod( TimeN / sec_in_a_day, 1.0_DP )
        ClockByDay = DCCalDateEvalSecOfDay( TimeN, date = InitialDate )
        ClockByDay = ClockByDay / sec_in_a_day

!!$        write( 6, * ) '###', TimeN, ClockByDay, mod( TimeN / sec_in_a_day, 1.0_DP )
!!$        write( 60, * ) TimeN, ClockByDay, mod( TimeN / sec_in_a_day, 1.0_DP )
!!$        call flush( 60 )

        do i = 0, imax - 1
          do j = 1, jmax

            if ( FlagDiurnalMean ) then
              HourAngle = 0.0_DP
              HourAngle = ClockByDay * 2.0_DP * PI - PI + x_Lon(i)
            end if

            CosZet = sin( y_Lat(j) ) * SinDel + cos( y_Lat(j) ) * sqrt( 1.0_DP - SinDel**2 ) * cos( HourAngle )

            if ( CosZet > 0.0_DP ) then
              xy_IncomRadSFluxLV(i,j) = - ( SolarConst / DistFromStarScldLV** 2 ) * CosZet
              xy_InAngleLV(i,j)       = 1.0_DP / CosZet
              xy_IncomRadSFluxLV(i,j) = 0.
              xy_InAngleLV(i,j)       = 0.
            end if

            xy_CosZetLV(i,j) = CosZet

          end do
        end do

        if ( FlagDiurnalMean ) then
          xy_IncomRadSFluxLV = xy_IncomRadSFluxLV / PI
        end if


        ! 対応していない入射タイプ
        ! not implemented insolation type
        call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, 'This type of insolation is not impremented' )

      end if


      ! 短波入射 (太陽入射) を計算します.
      ! 同期回転惑星を想定しており,
      ! 常に経度 90 度で最大入射, 経度 180-360 度で入射ゼロとなっています.
      ! Calculate short wave (insolation) incoming radiation.
      ! A planet with synchronized rotation are assumed.
      ! Incoming is max at latitude 90 deg., and zero between 180 and 360 deg. constantly.
      do i = 0, imax - 1
         AngleMaxLon  = - PI / 2.0_DP + x_Lon( i )
         do j = 1, jmax
            CosZet = cos( y_Lat(j) ) * cos( AngleMaxLon )
            if ( CosZet > 0.0_DP ) then
               xy_IncomRadSFluxLV(i,j) = - SolarConst * CosZet
               xy_InAngleLV(i,j)       = 1.0_DP / CosZet
               xy_IncomRadSFluxLV(i,j) = 0.0_DP
               xy_InAngleLV(i,j)       = 0.0_DP
            end if

            xy_CosZetLV(i,j) = CosZet

            ! Values below cannot be used.
            DistFromStarScldLV = -1.0_DP
            if ( present( DistFromStarScld ) ) then
              call MessageNotify( 'W', module_name, 'Inappropriate value is set to DistFromStarScld.' )
            end if
         end do
      end do

    end if

    if ( present( xy_IncomRadSFlux ) ) then
      xy_IncomRadSFlux = xy_IncomRadSFluxLV
    end if
    if ( present( xy_InAngle ) ) then
      xy_InAngle = xy_InAngleLV
    end if
    if ( present( xy_CosZet ) ) then
      xy_CosZet = xy_CosZetLV
    end if
    if ( present( DistFromStarScld ) ) then
      DistFromStarScld = DistFromStarScldLV
    end if

    ! ヒストリデータ出力
    ! History data output
    call HistoryAutoPut( TimeN, 'ISR' , xy_IncomRadSFlux )

  end subroutine ShortIncoming
Variable :
radiation_short_income_inited = .false. :logical, save, public
: 初期設定フラグ. Initialization flag.

Private Instance methods

Variable :
Eccentricity :real(DP), save
: 離心率. Eccentricity.
Variable :
EpsOrb :real(DP), save
: 赤道傾斜角. Inclination of equator to orbit.
Variable :
FlagAnnualMean :logical, save
: 年平均入射フラグ. Flag for annual mean incoming radiation.
Variable :
FlagDiurnalMean :logical, save
: 日平均入射フラグ. Flag for diurnal mean incoming radiation.
Variable :
FlagPerpetual :logical, save
: 季節変化なし入射フラグ. Flag for perpetual incoming radiation.
Variable :
FlagRadiationSynchronous :logical
: 同期回転日射のフラグ Flag for synchronous rotation
Variable :
IncomAIns :real(DP), save
: $ A_{ins} $ . 年平均入射の係数. Coefficient of annual mean incoming radiation.
Variable :
IncomAZet :real(DP), save
: $ A_{zeta} $ . 年平均入射角の係数. AIns に同じ. Coefficient of annual mean incoming radiation. Same as "AIns".
Variable :
IncomBIns :real(DP), save
: $ B_{ins} $ . 年平均入射の係数. AIns に同じ. Coefficient of annual mean incoming radiation. Same as "AIns".
Variable :
IncomBZet :real(DP), save
: $ B_{zeta} $ . 年平均入射角の係数. AIns に同じ. Coefficient of annual mean incoming radiation. Same as "AIns".
Subroutine :


Check initialization of dependency modules


  subroutine InitCheck
    ! 依存モジュールの初期化チェック
    ! Check initialization of dependency modules

    ! モジュール引用 ; USE statements

    ! NAMELIST ファイル入力に関するユーティリティ
    ! Utilities for NAMELIST file input
    use namelist_util, only: namelist_util_inited

    ! 格子点設定
    ! Grid points settings
    use gridset, only: gridset_inited

    ! 物理定数設定
    ! Physical constants settings
    use constants, only: constants_inited

    ! 座標データ設定
    ! Axes data settings
    use axesset, only: axesset_inited

    ! 時刻管理
    ! Time control
    use timeset, only: timeset_inited

    ! 実行文 ; Executable statement

    if ( .not. namelist_util_inited ) call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, '"namelist_util" module is not initialized.' )

    if ( .not. gridset_inited ) call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, '"gridset" module is not initialized.' )

    if ( .not. constants_inited ) call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, '"constants" module is not initialized.' )

    if ( .not. axesset_inited ) call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, '"axesset" module is not initialized.' )

    if ( .not. timeset_inited ) call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, '"timeset" module is not initialized.' )

  end subroutine InitCheck
Variable :
LonFromVEAtEpoch :real(DP), save
: 元期における惑星の経度 (黄経) (degree) Longitude of the planet at epoch (degree)
Variable :
MaxItrEccAnomaly :integer, save
: 離心近点角を計算する時の最大繰り返し回数. Maximum iteration number of times to calculate eccentric anomaly.
Variable :
PerLonFromVE :real(DP), save
: 春分から測った近日点の経度 (近日点黄経) (degree) Longitude of the perihelion from vernal equinox (degree)
Variable :
PerpDistFromStarScld :real(DP), save
: distance between a planet and a central star for perpetual experiment
Variable :
PerpSinDel :real(DP), save
: sine of declination angle for perpetual experiments
Subroutine :
SinDel :real(DP), intent(out)
: 赤緯 Declination
DistFromStarScld :real(DP), intent(out)
: 軌道長半径でスケーリングした恒星からの距離 Distance from the star scaled by semimajor axis of the planet‘s orbit

短波入射 (太陽入射) を計算します.

Calculate short wave (insolation) incoming radiation.


  subroutine ShortIncomCalcOrbParam( SinDel, DistFromStarScld )
    ! 短波入射 (太陽入射) を計算します.
    ! Calculate short wave (insolation) incoming radiation. 

    ! モジュール引用 ; USE statements

    ! 物理定数設定
    ! Physical constants settings
    use constants, only: PI       ! $ \pi $ .
                                  ! 円周率.  Circular constant

    ! 時刻管理
    ! Time control
    use timeset, only: TimeN, InitialDate             ! 計算開始日時.
                                ! Start date of calculation

    ! 日付および時刻の取り扱い
    ! Date and time handler
    use dc_calendar, only: DCCalInquire, DCCalDateEvalSecOfYear, DCCalDateChkLeapYear

    ! ヒストリデータ出力
    ! History data output
    use gtool_historyauto, only: HistoryAutoPut

    ! 宣言文 ; Declaration statements
    implicit none
    real(DP), intent(out) :: SinDel
                              ! 赤緯
                              ! Declination
    real(DP), intent(out) :: DistFromStarScld
                              ! 軌道長半径でスケーリングした恒星からの距離
                              ! Distance from the star scaled
                              ! by semimajor axis of the planet's orbit

    ! 作業変数
    ! Work variables
    integer:: itr              ! イテレーション方向に回る DO ループ用作業変数
                               ! Work variables for DO loop in iteration direction

    real(DP):: MeanAnomaly     ! 平均近点角
                               ! Mean anomaly
    real(DP):: EccAnomaly      ! 離心近点角
                               ! eccentric anomaly
    real(DP):: EccAnomalyError ! ニュートン法における離心近点角の誤差
                               ! error of eccentric anomaly in Newton method
    real(DP):: TrueAnomaly     ! 真点離角
                               ! true anomaly
    real(DP):: PlanetLonFromVE ! 中心星を中心とする座標における春分点から測った惑星の経度
                               ! Longitude of the planet measured from the vernal equinox
                               ! in the coordinate that the central star is located on 
                               ! the origin.

    integer         :: hour_in_a_day, min_in_a_hour, day_in_a_year
    integer, pointer:: day_in_month_ptr(:) => null()
    real(DP)        :: sec_in_a_min, sec_in_a_day, sec_in_a_year

    ! 実行文 ; Executable statement

    ! 初期化
    ! Initialization
    if ( .not. radiation_short_income_inited ) call ShtIncomeInit

    ! 季節変化, 日変化がある場合の計算
    ! Calculate with seasonal change and diurnal change
    call DCCalInquire( day_in_month_ptr = day_in_month_ptr , hour_in_day      = hour_in_a_day, min_in_hour      = min_in_a_hour, sec_in_min       = sec_in_a_min )
    ! Add 1 to day_in_month_ptr(2) if it is leap year.
    if ( DCCalDateChkLeapYear( TimeN, InitialDate ) ) then
      day_in_month_ptr(2) = day_in_month_ptr(2) + 1
    end if

    day_in_a_year = sum( day_in_month_ptr )
    deallocate( day_in_month_ptr )
    sec_in_a_day  = hour_in_a_day * min_in_a_hour * sec_in_a_min
    sec_in_a_year = day_in_a_year * sec_in_a_day

    MeanAnomaly  = 2.0_DP * PI * ( TimeN - TimeAtEpoch ) / sec_in_a_year + ( LonFromVEAtEpoch - PerLonFromVE ) * PI / 180.0_DP
    MeanAnomaly  = mod( MeanAnomaly, 2.0_DP * PI )

    ! ニュートン法を用いて平均近点角から離心近点角を求める.
    ! Calculate eccentric anomaly from mean anomaly by using Newton method.

    EccAnomaly = MeanAnomaly
    do itr = 1, MaxItrEccAnomaly
      EccAnomalyError = EccAnomaly - Eccentricity * sin(EccAnomaly) - MeanAnomaly
      if ( abs(EccAnomalyError) <= ThreEccAnomalyError ) exit
      EccAnomaly      = EccAnomaly - EccAnomalyError / ( 1.0_DP - Eccentricity * cos(EccAnomaly) )
      EccAnomaly      = mod( EccAnomaly, 2.0 * PI )
    end do
    if ( itr > MaxItrEccAnomaly ) then
      call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, 'Calculation for eccentric anomaly does not converge.' )
    end if

    DistFromStarScld = 1.0_DP - Eccentricity * cos( EccAnomaly )

    TrueAnomaly = 2.0_DP * atan( sqrt( ( 1.0d0 + Eccentricity ) / ( 1.0d0 - Eccentricity ) ) * tan( EccAnomaly / 2.0_DP ) )

    PlanetLonFromVE = TrueAnomaly + PerLonFromVE * PI / 180.0_DP
    PlanetLonFromVE = mod( PlanetLonFromVE, 2.0_DP * PI )

    SinDel = sin( EpsOrb * PI / 180.0_DP ) * sin( PlanetLonFromVE )

        ! code for debug
!!$        write( 60, * ) TimeN/sec_in_a_day, DCCalDateChkLeapYear(TimeN,date=InitialDate), day_in_a_year
!!$        write(  6, * ) TimeN/sec_in_a_day, DCCalDateChkLeapYear(TimeN,date=InitialDate), day_in_a_year
!!$        call flush( 60 )

!!$        write( 60, * ) TimeN/sec_in_a_day, asin(SinDel)*180.0/PI, DistFromStarScld, PlanetLonFromVE*180.0_DP/PI
!!$        write(  6, * ) TimeN/sec_in_a_day, asin(SinDel)*180.0/PI, DistFromStarScld, PlanetLonFromVE*180.0_DP/PI
!!$        call flush( 60 )

    ! ヒストリデータ出力
    ! History data output
    call HistoryAutoPut( TimeN, 'Decl'            , asin(SinDel)*180.0_DP/PI    )
    call HistoryAutoPut( TimeN, 'DistFromStarScld', DistFromStarScld            )
    call HistoryAutoPut( TimeN, 'PlanetLonFromVE' , PlanetLonFromVE*180.0_DP/PI )

  end subroutine ShortIncomCalcOrbParam
Subroutine :

radiation_short_income モジュールの初期化を行います. NAMELIST#radiation_short_income_nml の読み込みはこの手続きで行われます.

"radiation_short_income" module is initialized. "NAMELIST#radiation_short_income_nml" is loaded in this procedure.

This procedure input/output NAMELIST#radiation_short_income_nml .


  subroutine ShtIncomeInit
    ! radiation_short_income モジュールの初期化を行います. 
    ! NAMELIST#radiation_short_income_nml の読み込みはこの手続きで行われます. 
    ! "radiation_short_income" module is initialized. 
    ! "NAMELIST#radiation_short_income_nml" is loaded in this procedure. 

    ! モジュール引用 ; USE statements

    ! NAMELIST ファイル入力に関するユーティリティ
    ! Utilities for NAMELIST file input
    use namelist_util, only: namelist_filename, NmlutilMsg, NmlutilAryValid

    ! ファイル入出力補助
    ! File I/O support
    use dc_iounit, only: FileOpen

    ! 種別型パラメタ
    ! Kind type parameter
    use dc_types, only: STDOUT ! 標準出力の装置番号. Unit number of standard output

    ! ヒストリデータ出力
    ! History data output
    use gtool_historyauto, only: HistoryAutoAddVariable

    ! 時刻管理
    ! Time control
    use timeset, only: InitialDate             ! 計算開始日時.
                                ! Start date of calculation

    ! 暦と日時の取り扱い
    ! Calendar and Date handler
    use dc_calendar, only: DC_CAL, DC_CAL_DATE, DCCalDateInquire, DCCalDateCreate, DCCalDateDifference

    ! 物理定数設定
    ! Physical constants settings
    use constants, only: PI       ! $ \pi $ .
                                  ! 円周率.  Circular constant

    ! 宣言文 ; Declaration statements
    implicit none

    integer:: EpochYear, EpochMonth, EpochDay, EpochHour, EpochMin
                              ! 元期日時 (年月日時分).
                              ! "TimeAtEpoch" が負の場合にこちらが使用される.
                              ! Date at epoch (year, month, day, hour, minute)
                              ! These are used when "TimeAtEpoch" is negative.
    real(DP):: EpochSec
                              ! 元期日時 (秒).
                              ! "TimeAtEpoch" が負の場合にこちらが使用される.
                              ! Date at epoch (second)
                              ! These are used when "TimeAtEpoch" is negative.

    type(DC_CAL_DATE):: EpochDate
                              ! 元期の日時
                              ! Date at epoch

    real(DP)         :: PerpDelDeg
                              ! Declination angle in degree used for perpetual experiment

    integer:: unit_nml        ! NAMELIST ファイルオープン用装置番号. 
                              ! Unit number for NAMELIST file open
    integer:: iostat_nml      ! NAMELIST 読み込み時の IOSTAT. 
                              ! IOSTAT of NAMELIST read

    logical         :: FlagUseOfEpochDate
    character(TOKEN):: date_print

    ! NAMELIST 変数群
    ! NAMELIST group name
    namelist /radiation_short_income_nml/ FlagRadiationSynchronous, FlagAnnualMean, FlagDiurnalMean, FlagPerpetual, PerpDelDeg, PerpDistFromStarScld, SolarConst, EpsOrb, PerLonFromVE, LonFromVEAtEpoch, Eccentricity, TimeAtEpoch, EpochYear, EpochMonth, EpochDay, EpochHour, EpochMin, EpochSec, MaxItrEccAnomaly, ThreEccAnomalyError, IncomAIns, IncomBIns, IncomAZet, IncomBZet
          ! デフォルト値については初期化手続 "radiation_short_income#ShtIncomeInit" 
          ! のソースコードを参照のこと. 
          ! Refer to source codes in the initialization procedure
          ! "radiation_short_income#ShtIncomeInit" for the default values. 

    ! 実行文 ; Executable statement

    if ( radiation_short_income_inited ) return
    call InitCheck

    ! デフォルト値の設定
    ! Default values settings
    FlagRadiationSynchronous = .false.
    FlagAnnualMean           = .true.
    FlagDiurnalMean          = .true.
    FlagPerpetual            = .false.


    PerpDelDeg               = 0.0_DP
    PerpDistFromStarScld     = 1.0_DP


    SolarConst           = 1380.0_DP


    EpsOrb               =   23.5_DP    ! Earth-like value
    PerLonFromVE         =    0.0_DP
    LonFromVEAtEpoch     =  280.0_DP    ! This value results in the fact that the planet
                                        ! is located at the position of vernal equinox 
                                        ! at 80 days after calculation with the use of 
                                        ! "360day" calendar.
    Eccentricity         =    0.0_DP
    TimeAtEpoch          =    0.0_DP
    EpochYear            =   -1
    EpochMonth           =   -1
    EpochDay             =   -1
    EpochHour            =   -1
    EpochMin             =   -1
    EpochSec             =   -1.0_DP


    ! Sample values for the Earth
    !  References: 
    !    Duffett-Smith, P., Practical astronomy with your calculator Third Edition, 
    !    Cambridge University Press, pp.185, 1988.
!!$    EpsOrb               =   23.44_DP                ! Rika nenpyo (Chronological 
!!$                                                     ! Scientific Tables 2010)
!!$    PerLonFromVE         =  102.768413_DP + 180.0_DP ! Duffett-Smith (1988), p.105
!!$                                                     ! modified (plus 180 degrees)
!!$    LonFromVEAtEpoch     =   99.403308_DP + 180.0_DP ! Duffett-Smith (1988), p.105
!!$                                                     ! modified (plus 180 degrees)
!!$    Eccentricity         =    0.016713_DP            ! Duffett-Smith (1988), p.105
!!$    TimeAtEpoch          =   -1.0_DP                 ! EpochXXX written below are used 
!!$                                                     ! because this is negative.
!!$    EpochYear            = 1990                      ! Duffett-Smith (1988), p.105
!!$    EpochMonth           =    1
!!$    EpochDay             =    1
!!$    EpochHour            =    0
!!$    EpochMin             =    0
!!$    EpochSec             =    0.0_DP

    ! Sample values for Mars
    !  References: 
    !    Allison, M., Geophys. Res. Lett., 24, 1967-1970, 1997.
!!$    EpsOrb               =   25.19_DP              ! Allison (1997)
!!$    PerLonFromVE         =  250.98_DP              ! Allison (1997) (modified)
!!$    LonFromVEAtEpoch     =  -10.342_DP             ! Arbitrarily set for clarity
!!$                                                   ! This results in Ls ~ 0 at Time = 0
!!$    Eccentricity         =    0.0934_DP            ! Allison (1997), value at epoch J2000
!!$    TimeAtEpoch          =    0.0_DP               ! Arbitrarily set for clarity
!!$    EpochYear            =   -1                    ! not used
!!$    EpochMonth           =   -1
!!$    EpochDay             =   -1
!!$    EpochHour            =   -1
!!$    EpochMin             =   -1
!!$    EpochSec             =   -1.0_DP


    MaxItrEccAnomaly     = 20
    ThreEccAnomalyError  = 1e-6_DP

    IncomAIns            = 0.127_DP   ! Reference of this value is unknown.
    IncomBIns            = 0.183_DP   ! Reference of this value is unknown.
    IncomAZet            = 0.410_DP   ! Reference of this value is unknown.
    IncomBZet            = 0.590_DP   ! Reference of this value is unknown.

    ! NAMELIST の読み込み
    ! NAMELIST is input
    if ( trim(namelist_filename) /= '' ) then
      call FileOpen( unit_nml, namelist_filename, mode = 'r' ) ! (in)

      rewind( unit_nml )
      read( unit_nml, nml = radiation_short_income_nml, iostat = iostat_nml )        ! (out)
      close( unit_nml )

      call NmlutilMsg( iostat_nml, module_name ) ! (in)
    end if

    PerpSinDel = sin( PerpDelDeg * PI / 180.0_DP )

    FlagUseOfEpochDate = .false.

    if ( TimeAtEpoch < 0.0_DP ) then
      call DCCalDateCreate( year  = EpochYear, month = EpochMonth, day   = EpochDay, hour  = EpochHour, min   = EpochMin, sec   = EpochSec, date  = EpochDate )    ! (out) optional

      TimeAtEpoch = DCCalDateDifference( start_date = InitialDate, end_date   = EpochDate )

      FlagUseOfEpochDate = .true.
    end if

    ! 保存用の変数の割り付け
    ! Allocate variables for saving

    ! ヒストリデータ出力のためのへの変数登録
    ! Register of variables for history data output
!!$    call HistoryAutoAddVariable( 'xxxxx' , &
!!$      & (/ 'lon ', 'lat ', 'sig', 'time'/), &
!!$      & 'xxxx', 'W m-2' )

    call HistoryAutoAddVariable( 'ISR' , (/ 'lon ', 'lat ', 'time'/), 'incoming shortwave', 'W m-2' )

    call HistoryAutoAddVariable( 'Decl' , (/ 'time'/), 'declination angle', 'degree' )

    call HistoryAutoAddVariable( 'DistFromStarScld' , (/ 'time'/), 'distance between the central star and the planet', '1' )

    call HistoryAutoAddVariable( 'PlanetLonFromVE' , (/ 'time'/), 'planetary longitude from the vernal equinox', 'degree' )

    ! 印字 ; Print
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '----- Initialization Messages -----' )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, 'ShortIncomming:' )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '  FlagRadiationSynchronous = %b', l = (/ FlagRadiationSynchronous /) )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '  SolarConst               = %f', d = (/ SolarConst               /) )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '  FlagAnnualMean           = %b', l = (/ FlagAnnualMean            /) )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '  FlagDiurnalMean          = %b', l = (/ FlagDiurnalMean           /) )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '  FlagPerpetual            = %b', l = (/ FlagPerpetual             /) )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '  PerpDelDeg               = %f', d = (/ PerpDelDeg                /) )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '  PerpDistFromStarScld     = %f', d = (/ PerpDistFromStarScld      /) )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '  EpsOrb                   = %f', d = (/ EpsOrb                   /) )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '  PerLonFromVE             = %f', d = (/ PerLonFromVE             /) )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '  Eccentricity             = %f', d = (/ Eccentricity             /) )

    if ( FlagUseOfEpochDate ) then
      call DCCalDateInquire( date_print, date = EpochDate )
      call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '  EpochDate  = %c', c1 = trim(date_print) )
    end if
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '  TimeAtEpoch              = %f', d = (/ TimeAtEpoch              /) )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '  LonFromVEAtEpoch         = %f', d = (/ LonFromVEAtEpoch         /) )

    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '  MaxItrEccAnomaly         = %d', i = (/ MaxItrEccAnomaly         /) )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '  ThreEccAnomalyError      = %f', d = (/ ThreEccAnomalyError      /) )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '  IncomAIns                = %f', d = (/ IncomAIns                /) )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '  IncomBIns                = %f', d = (/ IncomBIns                /) )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '  IncomAZet                = %f', d = (/ IncomAZet                /) )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '  IncomBZet                = %f', d = (/ IncomBZet                /) )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '-- version = %c', c1 = trim(version) )

    radiation_short_income_inited = .true.
  end subroutine ShtIncomeInit
Variable :
SolarConst :real(DP), save
: 太陽定数. Solar constant.
Variable :
ThreEccAnomalyError :real(DP), save
: 離心近点角を計算する時の誤差の許容しきい値. Threshold of error to calculate eccentric anomaly.
Variable :
TimeAtEpoch :real(DP), save
: 元期における時刻 (sec) Time at epoch (sec)
Constant :
module_name = ‘radiation_short_income :character(*), parameter
: モジュールの名称. Module name
Constant :
version = ’$Name: dcpam5-20101008-1 $’ // ’$Id: radiation_short_income.f90,v 1.19 2010-09-23 14:27:12 yot Exp $’ :character(*), parameter
: モジュールのバージョン Module version
Variable :
xy_InAngle(:,:) :real(DP), allocatable, save
: sec (入射角). sec (angle of incidence)
Variable :
xy_IncomRadSFlux(:,:) :real(DP), allocatable, save
: 短波 (日射) フラックス. Short wave (insolation) flux