subroutine RearrangeColumn( xya_Data )
! Rearrange columns
use mpi_wrapper, only: nprocs, myrank, MPIWrapperISend, MPIWrapperIRecv, MPIWrapperWait
real(DP), intent(inout) :: xya_Data(:,:,:)
! 作業変数
! Work variables
real(DP), allocatable :: xyaa_SendBuf(:,:,:,:)
real(DP), allocatable :: xyaa_RecvBuf(:,:,:,:)
integer :: imaxLocal
integer :: jmaxLocal
integer :: kmaxLocal
integer :: imaxBlock
integer :: iLocal
integer :: a_iReqSend(0:nprocs-1)
integer :: a_iReqRecv(0:nprocs-1)
integer:: i ! 経度方向に回る DO ループ用作業変数
! Work variables for DO loop in longitudinal direction
integer:: j ! 緯度方向に回る DO ループ用作業変数
! Work variables for DO loop in latitudinal direction
integer:: n
! 実行文 ; Executable statement
imaxLocal = size( xya_Data, 1 )
jmaxLocal = size( xya_Data, 2 )
kmaxLocal = size( xya_Data, 3 )
if ( mod( imaxLocal/2, nprocs ) /= 0 ) then
call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, 'nprocs value is inappropriate, nprocs = %d', i = (/ nprocs /) )
end if
if ( mod( imaxLocal/2/nprocs, 2 ) /= 0 ) then
call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, 'nprocs value is inappropriate, nprocs = %d', i = (/ nprocs /) )
end if
imaxBlock = imaxLocal / nprocs
allocate( xyaa_SendBuf(1:imaxBlock,1:jmaxLocal,1:kmaxLocal,0:nprocs-1) )
allocate( xyaa_RecvBuf(1:imaxBlock,1:jmaxLocal,1:kmaxLocal,0:nprocs-1) )
! pack data transfered to nth process
do n = 0, nprocs-1
iLocal = 1
do i = n+1, imaxLocal, nprocs
xyaa_SendBuf(iLocal,:,:,n) = xya_Data(i,:,:)
iLocal = iLocal + 1
end do
end do
do n = 0, nprocs-1
xyaa_RecvBuf = xyaa_SendBuf
end do
do n = 0, nprocs-1
if ( n == myrank ) then
xyaa_RecvBuf(:,:,:,n) = xyaa_SendBuf(:,:,:,n)
call MPIWrapperISend( n, imaxBlock, jmaxLocal, kmaxLocal, xyaa_SendBuf(:,:,:,n), a_iReqSend(n) )
call MPIWrapperIRecv( n, imaxBlock, jmaxLocal, kmaxLocal, xyaa_RecvBuf(:,:,:,n), a_iReqRecv(n) )
end if
end do
do n = 0, nprocs-1
if ( n == myrank ) cycle
call MPIWrapperWait( a_iReqSend(n) )
call MPIWrapperWait( a_iReqRecv(n) )
end do
! pack data transfered to nth process
do n = 0, nprocs-1
iLocal = 1
do i = n+1, imaxLocal, nprocs
xya_Data(i,:,:) = xyaa_RecvBuf(iLocal,:,:,n)
iLocal = iLocal + 1
end do
end do
deallocate( xyaa_SendBuf )
deallocate( xyaa_RecvBuf )
end subroutine RearrangeColumn