GFD オンラインセミナー (第 20 回) 日時: 2025 年 3 月 7 日 (金) 15:00--16:30 場所: zoom / 京大数理研本館 110 号室 講演者: Prof. Julian Mak (Associate Professor of Department of Ocean Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Senior NOC fellow at the UK National Oceanography Center) 講演タイトル: Baroclinic turbulence in the presence of slopes 講演要旨: Baroclinic dynamics refers to dynamics of rapidly rotating and stratified fluid systems, of relevance for example to geophysical systems such as the atmosphere or the ocean. The classical theory often neglect the constraints imposed by the bottom topography, but baroclinic dynamics and the subsequent turbulent characteristics in the presence of slopes is of particular relevance, for example, to the accurate modelling of ocean flows, which has implications for predictions of marine ecosystems and climate. The presentation here presents two rather different pieces of work towards understanding baroclinic dynamics in the presence of slopes. The first focuses on the issue of parameterisation using numerical simulations with ocean general circulation models. We first introduce an established framework for studying eddy-mean interaction called GEOMETRIC, which phrases eddy flux characteristics in terms of geometric quantities such as angles, eccentricity and anisotropy. Some results relating to GEOMETRIC and ocean modelling are presented, focusing on the empirical work towards how standard scalings derived from GEOMETRIC in terms of a measure of efficiency is modified to include the influence of bottom topography on the resulting eddy-mean interactions. The second part revisits the standard Eady problem for baroclinic instability to take into account of the presence of a bottom slopes, and is largely analytical. We provide a possible explanation for the observed decreased efficiency in the presence of slopes, framed in terms of the instability characteristics and in the GEOMETRIC framework. We provide an internally consistent mechanistic picture for the reduction in efficiency that is valid over the instability parameter space. Further mathematical properties of the Eady problem in terms of the underlying symmetries and further research directions are discussed. 開催方法: 対面 + zoom のハイブリッド形式 トピック: 第20回 GFD オンラインセミナー 時刻: 2025年3月7日 03:00 PM 大阪、札幌、東京 Zoom ミーティングに参加する ミーティング ID: 991 8535 3448 パスコード: 727572