mdadm コマンド

mdadm - manage MD devices aka Linux Software RAID


mdadm --detail <md デバイス>

mdadm will display a detailed description of the array.

$ sudo mdadm --detail /dev/md0p1
         Version : 1.2
   Creation Time : Fri Jul 26 20:43:32 2019
      Raid Level : raid1
      Array Size : 7325608 (6.99 GiB 7.50 GB)
   Used Dev Size : 8381440 (7.99 GiB 8.58 GB)
    Raid Devices : 2
   Total Devices : 2
     Persistence : Superblock is persistent

     Update Time : Fri Jul 26 21:52:05 2019
           State : clean
  Active Devices : 2
 Working Devices : 2
  Failed Devices : 0
   Spare Devices : 0

Consistency Policy : resync

            Name : chamomile:0  (local to host chamomile)
            UUID : ea8eedfd:7d4c0967:05f5bdda:bf863138
          Events : 611

  Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
     0       8        1        0      active sync   /dev/sda1
     1       8       17        1      active sync   /dev/sdb1

mdadm --fail <md デバイス> <HDD デバイス>

<HDD デバイス> に障害を起こす.

mdadm --add <md デバイス> <HDD デバイス>

<HDD デバイス> を <md デバイス> に追加.

mdadm --remove <md デバイス> <HDD デバイス>

<HDD デバイス> を <md デバイス> から外す.


1 台目のハードディスク /dev/sda に障害を発生させる

$ sudo mdadm --fail /dev/md0p1 /dev/sda1
mdadm: set /dev/sda1 faulty in /dev/md0p1
$ sudo mdadm --detail /dev/md0p1
         Version : 1.2
   Creation Time : Fri Jul 26 20:43:32 2019
      Raid Level : raid1
      Array Size : 7325608 (6.99 GiB 7.50 GB)
   Used Dev Size : 8381440 (7.99 GiB 8.58 GB)
    Raid Devices : 2
   Total Devices : 2
     Persistence : Superblock is persistent

     Update Time : Fri Jul 26 21:55:04 2019
           State : clean, degraded
  Active Devices : 1
 Working Devices : 1
  Failed Devices : 1
   Spare Devices : 0

Consistency Policy : resync

            Name : chamomile:0  (local to host chamomile)
            UUID : ea8eedfd:7d4c0967:05f5bdda:bf863138
          Events : 621

  Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
     -       0        0        0      removed
     1       8       17        1      active sync   /dev/sdb1

     0       8        1        -      faulty   /dev/sda1

確かに /dev/sda1 に障害が起こったことになったらしい.

reboot してみる.

$ sudo reboot

立ち上がる. RAID の状態を確認すると,

$ sudo mdadm --detail /dev/md0p1
         Version : 1.2
   Creation Time : Fri Jul 26 20:43:32 2019
      Raid Level : raid1
      Array Size : 7325608 (6.99 GiB 7.50 GB)
   Used Dev Size : 8381440 (7.99 GiB 8.58 GB)
    Raid Devices : 2
   Total Devices : 1
     Persistence : Superblock is persistent

     Update Time : Fri Jul 26 21:57:35 2019
           State : active, degraded
  Active Devices : 1
 Working Devices : 1
  Failed Devices : 0
   Spare Devices : 0

Consistency Policy : resync

            Name : chamomile:0  (local to host chamomile)
            UUID : ea8eedfd:7d4c0967:05f5bdda:bf863138
          Events : 662

  Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
     -       0        0        0      removed
     1       8       17        1      active sync   /dev/sdb1

/dev/sdb1 のみで動いている. /dev/sda1 は外されているらしい.

なお, 再起動しなくても,

$ sudo mdadm --remove /dev/md0p1 /dev/sda1

で /dev/sda1 を外せる.

RAIDデバイスにハードディスク /dev/sda1 を追加する

$ sudo mdadm --add /dev/md0p1 /dev/sda1
$ sudo mdadm --detail /dev/md0p1
         Version : 1.2
   Creation Time : Fri Jul 26 20:43:32 2019
      Raid Level : raid1
      Array Size : 7325608 (6.99 GiB 7.50 GB)
   Used Dev Size : 8381440 (7.99 GiB 8.58 GB)
    Raid Devices : 2
   Total Devices : 2
     Persistence : Superblock is persistent

     Update Time : Fri Jul 26 21:59:14 2019
           State : clean, degraded, recovering
  Active Devices : 1
 Working Devices : 2
  Failed Devices : 0
   Spare Devices : 1

Consistency Policy : resync

  Rebuild Status : 8% complete

            Name : chamomile:0  (local to host chamomile)
            UUID : ea8eedfd:7d4c0967:05f5bdda:bf863138
          Events : 678

  Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
     2       8        1        0      spare rebuilding   /dev/sda1
     1       8       17        1      active sync   /dev/sdb1

スペアとして導入された. リビルド中 (8% complete).


$ sudo mdadm --detail /dev/md0p1
         Version : 1.2
   Creation Time : Fri Jul 26 20:43:32 2019
      Raid Level : raid1
      Array Size : 7325608 (6.99 GiB 7.50 GB)
   Used Dev Size : 8381440 (7.99 GiB 8.58 GB)
    Raid Devices : 2
   Total Devices : 2
     Persistence : Superblock is persistent

     Update Time : Fri Jul 26 21:59:54 2019
           State : clean
  Active Devices : 2
 Working Devices : 2
  Failed Devices : 0
   Spare Devices : 0

Consistency Policy : resync

            Name : chamomile:0  (local to host chamomile)
            UUID : ea8eedfd:7d4c0967:05f5bdda:bf863138
          Events : 699

  Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
     2       8        1        0      active sync   /dev/sda1
     1       8       17        1      active sync   /dev/sdb1

/dev/sda1 は RAID に組み込まれた.
