Instructions are best viewed with a fixed width font, e.g. Lucida Sans Typewriter

Date: January 2011  




                           USER INSTRUCTIONS FOR LBLRTM








                   FILE ASSIGNMENTS FOR LBLRTM                                 




                                    EXTERNAL FILE NOT REQUIRED FOR             



                                                IHIRAC NE 0,9 ; ITEST=1        



                                          ONLY REQUIRED FOR IHIRAC=4           


      TAPE5       LBLRTM  INPUT FILE                                           


      TAPE6       LBLRTM  OUTPUT FILE                                           



                                 ONLY FOR IATM=1; IPUNCH=1 (CARD 3.1)          





                              LAST LAYER     FOR IMRG EQ 0                     

                              LAYER BY LAYER FOR IMRG EQ 1                      


      TAPE11      SPECTRAL RESULTS FROM SCANFN AND INTRPL                      

                              JEMIT=-1: ABSORPTION                             

                              JEMIT= 0: TRANSMITTANCE                          

                              JEMIT= 1: RADIANCE                               


      TAPE12      MONOCHROMATIC RESULTS                                        

                              IEMIT=0: OPTICAL DEPTH                           

                              IEMIT=1: RADIANCE/TRANSMITTANCE                  

                                   INCLUDES AEROSOL CONTRIBUTION FOR           

                                                   IAERSL=1; IEMIT=1           



                              IEMIT=0: OPTICAL DEPTH                           

                              IEMIT=1: RADIANCE/TRANSMITTANCE                  

                                   ONLY CREATED FOR IMRG= 3 TO 18              



                              IEMIT=0: OPTICAL DEPTH                           

                              IEMIT=1: RADIANCE/TRANSMITTANCE                  

                                   ONLY CREATED FOR IAERSL=1; IEMIT=0          


      TAPE20      SPECTRAL AEROSOL TRANSMITTANCES                              

                              TOTAL AEROSOL  CONTRIBUTION FOR IEMIT=0          

                              LAYER BY LAYER CONTRIBUTION FOR IEMIT=1          

                                   ONLY CREATED FOR IAERSL=1                   


      TAPE29      FILE CONTAINING VALUES OF Y FOR PLOTTING                      

                                   ONLY FOR IPLOT EQ 1                         



      TAPE39      AFGL PLOT FILE                                               




          RDderivDNW_xx_lll        Layer downwelling Jacobian/derivative files 

          RDderivUPW_xx_lll        Layer upwelling Jacobian/derivative files

                                    (includes downwelling and surface components)

          LEV_RDderivDNW_xx_lll    Level downwelling Jacobian/derivative files 

          LEV_RDderivUPW_xx_lll    Level upwelling Jacobian/derivative files

                                    (includes downwelling and surface components)


          Files related to surface derivatives


          LEV_RDderivE-R_-1_000    TOA radiance Jacobian wrt surface emittance/reflectance (with  E + R = 1)

          LEV_RDderivEMI_-1_000    TOA radiance Jacobian wrt surface emittance

          LEV_RDderivRFL_-1_000    TOA radiance Jacobian wrt surface reflectance

          LEV_RDderivTSF_-1_000    TOA radiance Jacobian wrt surface temperature


          Note: -> xx   signifies the parameter for which the radiance analytic Jacobian is calculated

                -> lll  is the layer number starting from the lowest altitude

                -> Layer output Jacobian/derivative files:

                        - are in the same TAPE12 two-panel binary format

                        - first panel containing the Jacobian, and the second the total transmission

                        - scanned layer files (IMRG=42,43) will only have a single panel (like TAPE10)

                -> Level output Jacobian/derivative files:

                        - are in single-panel binary format (like TAPE10)


      Users desiring to use the new Analytical Jacobian capability of LBLRTM are strongly urged to run the scripts

      provided for that purpose.  The scripts provide a good mechanism to understand the utilization of LBLRTM

      for Analytic Jacobians and to compare the results with symmetric finite difference calculations.








      CXID:  80 characters of user identification  (80A1)


            CXID(1) is the flag which determines program initialization and termination.  The actual input data

                    stream for LBLRTM commences with the record containing a '$' in CXID(1).  Any record that are

                    read prior to a record containing a '$' in CXID(1) are ignored.  Since LBLRTM automatically

                    recycles and reads Record 1.1 at the end of each run (this allows the stacking of multiple

                    runs), each subsequent run of LBLRTM must also have a '$' in CXID(1) on Record 1.1.  In order

                    to effect a normal termination of LBLRTM, CXID(1) must be set to '%', on the final record of

                    the input file.  Thus a standard LBLRTM input file would begin with a '$' and end with a '%'.

                    Records on the input file following the record with CXID(1) = '%' are ignored by LBLRTM.


                    Note:  LBLRTM will internally set CXID(1) = ' ' for all output.








      5,     10,     15,     20,     25,     30,     35,    40,    45,    50, 54-55,    60,    65,     70, 72-75, 77-80,     85      90


  4X,I1,  4X,I1,  4X,I1,  4X,I1,  4X,I1,  4X,I1,  4X,I1, 4X,I1, 4X,I1, 4X,I1, 3X,A2, 4X,I1, 4X,I1,  4X,I1, 1X,I4, 1X,I4,  4X,I1,4X,I1



         IHIRAC   (0,1,2,3,4,9) selects desired version of HIRAC


                     = 0  HIRAC   HIRAC not activated; line-by-line calculation is bypassed

                                                       (skips to selected function)

                     = 1  HIRAC1  (Voigt profile)

                     = 2  HIRACL  (Lorentz profile, not available in LBLRTM)

                     = 3  HIRACD  (Doppler profile, not available in LBLRTM)

                     = 4  NLTE Option (Non Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium)

                               -state populations as a function of altitude required on TAPE4

                     = 9  central line contribution omitted (functions 1-3)


         ILBLF4   (0,1,2) flag for LBLF4 (Line-By-Line Function 4)


                          (LBLF4 extends bound of line by line calculation beyond 64 halfwidths from line center)


                     = 0  LBLF4 not activated (line by line bound is 64 halfwidths)

                            (Note: if IHARAC>0 and line coupling is used in generating the input TAPE3 then ILBLF4 = 1)

                     = 1  line by line bound is 25 cm-1 for all layer pressures (altitudes)

                     = 2  line by line bound is 25 cm-1 for layers with pressures .GT. 0.5 mb

                                             and 5 cm-1 for layers with pressures .LE. 0.5 mb

                          (ILBLF4 = 2 saves computational time above 50 km with minimal loss of accuracy for most cases)


         ICNTNM   (0,1,2,3,4,5,6) flag for continuum (CONTNM)


                     = 0  no continuum calculated

                     = 1  all continua calculated, including Rayleigh extinction where applicable

                     = 2  H2O self not calculated, all other continua/Rayleigh extinction calculated

                     = 3  H2O foreign not calculated, all other continua/Rayleigh extinction calculated

                     = 4  H2O self and foreign not calculated, all other continua/Rayleigh extinction calculated

                     = 5  Rayleigh extinction not calculated, all other continua calculated

                     = 6  Individual continuum scale factors input (Requires Record 1.2a)



 RECORD 1.2 (Continued)



         IAERSL   (0,1,5,7,9) flag for aerosols (LOWTRN)


                     = 0  no aerosols used             

                     = 1  internal LOWTRAN aerosol models (OBSOLETE AND NO LONGER SUPPORTED)

                     = 5  spectral optical depths by layer from file 'in_lblrtm_cld'

                     = 7  user defined aerosol models (OBSOLETE AND NO LONGER SUPPORTED)

                     = 9  use precalculated aerosols (TAPE20 from a previous aerosol run)



          IEMIT   (0,1,2,3)


                     = 0  optical depth only

                     = 1  radiance and transmittance (Radiance Units: W / cm^2 sr^-1 cm^-1

                     = 2  solar radiance (requires previously calculated optical depths or transmittances and binary

                               solar radiation file SOLAR.RAD)

                     = 3  radiance analytic Jacobian/derivative

                               - requires IMRG=40,41,42 or 43

                               - requires a subdirectory named "AJ" to contain the analytic Jacobian/derivative files

                         Note: - requires previously calculated optical depths files

                                         (created by setting IEMIT=0, IMRG=1, IOD=3)


                              - units (dR/dx):   temperature:   { W / (cm^2 sr cm^-1) ] / [K] }

                                                   molecules:   { W / (cm^2 sr cm^-1) ] / [log(volume mixing ratio)] }

                                                    sfc temp:   { W / (cm^2 sr cm^-1) ] / [K] }

                                              sfc emiss/refl:   { W / (cm^2 sr cm^-1) ] / [K] }



          ISCAN   (0,1,2,3) flag for SCANFN    1 = scanning function

                                  or INTRPL    2 = interpolating procedure

                                  or FFTSCN    3 = Fast Fourier Transform scan


         IFILTR   (0,1)   flag for FILTR     1 = yes


          IPLOT   (0,1)   flag for PLTLBL    1 = yes


          ITEST   (0,1)   flag for TEST      1 = yes


           IATM   (0,1)   flag for LBLATM    1 = yes



           |                                                      |


           |                                                      |


RECORD 1.2 (Continued)



           IMRG   (0 to 9; 12-18; 22-28; 32; 35-36; 40-43; 45-46) selects merge option



                                   IMRG = 0 KFILE rewound after each layer

                                        > 1 KFILE not rewound after each layer


                   = 0  normal merge; result on MFILE; last layer optical depth on KFILE

                   = 1  optical depths only; results for each layer on different file

                   = 2  optical depths from precalculated KFILE merged sequentially onto MFILE

                          ** uses merge path as defined by precalculated KFILE **

                   = 9  radiance merge with aerosols; precalculated KFILE

                          ** uses merge path as defined by precalculated KFILE **



                         |                                                       |

                         | NOTE:  KFILE usually maps to TAPE10                   |

                         |        MFILE    "      "   " TAPE12                   |

                         |        LFILE alternates with MFILE, mapping to TAPE11 |

                         |        NFILE usually maps to TAPE13                   |

                         |        KODFIL usually maps to                         |

                         |               ODdeflt_  for IMRG=1  and IOD=0         |

                         |               ODint_    for IMRG=1  and IOD=1         |

                         |               ODint_    for IMRG=1  and IOD=3         |

                         |               ODint_    for IMRG=1  and IOD=4         |

                         |               ODexact_  for IMRG=1  and IOD=2         |

                         |                                                       |

                         |      layer optical depth file = "ODint_"              |

                         |      upwelling total optical depth file = "ODtoupw_"  |

                         |      downwelling total optical depth file = "ODtodnw_"|



           IMRG options are continued on next page.



C     ---------------------------------------------------------------


C     - If IOD = 1 or 4 then calculate optical depths for each

C       layer with DV = DVOUT (using DVSET if IOD=4) and maintain

C       separately. Use PTHODI as the name of the optical depth files.

C       This requires the format HFMODL, which is produced by

C       calling the SUBROUTINE QNTIFY.


C     - If IOD = 2 and IMERGE = 1 then calculate optical depths

C       for each layer using the exact DV of each layer

C       Use PTHODE as the name of the optical depth files.

C       This requires the format HFMODL, which is produced by

C       calling the SUBROUTINE QNTIFY.


C     - If IOD=3 and IMRG=1 then calculate layer optical depths and

C       and interpolate all layers to the dv of the final layer

C       (used for analytic derivative calculation)


C     - If calculating optical depths using the default procedure,

C       sending output to a different file for each layer (IEMIT=0,

C       IOD=0, and IMRG=1), then use PTHODI for the optical depth

C       pathnames.


C     - Otherwise, use TAPE10.  For IOD=1, calculate optical depths

C       for each layer with DV = DVOUT (from DVSET in TAPE5, carried

C       in by COMMON BLOCK /IODFLG/ (interpolation in PNLINT).




RECORD 1.2 (Continued)


           IMRG (Continued)



                                           IMRG OPTIONS FOR MERGED OUTPUT




                          Monochromatic Input, on precalculated KFILE.  Output is determined by IEMIT.


                                                                     IMRG =


                          MERGE PATH:    space to ground     ground to space     tangent        Final

                RADIANCE CALCULATION:      downwelling          upwelling                      Results

                       OBSERVER PATH:       uplooking          downlooking        limb         on file

                                         ---------------     ---------------     -------       -------

         monochromatic (total merged)            A                   C               B           MFILE

                                               (12)                (32)            (22)


                        Monochromatic Input, on precalculated KODFILs.  Output is determined by IEMIT.


                                                                     IMRG =


                          MERGE PATH:    space to ground     ground to space     tangent        Final

                RADIANCE CALCULATION:      downwelling          upwelling                      Results

                       OBSERVER PATH:       uplooking          downlooking         limb        on file

                                         ---------------     ---------------     -------       -------

         monochromatic (total merged)           40                  41                           MFILE

         scanned results                        42                  43                         


   For radiance analytic Jacobians/derivatives (IMRG.eq.40,41,42 or 43), a previous run with

   IMRG.eq.1 and IOD.eq.3 is required to provide the required optical depth files.



                                   IMRG OPTIONS FOR MERGED OUTPUT BY LAYER



                        Monochromatic Input, on precalculated KODFILs.  Output is determined by IEMIT.


                                                              IMRG =                             Final

                                         -----------------------------------------------       Results

                         MERGE PATH:    space to ground     ground to space     tangent       by layer

               RADIANCE CALCULATION:      downwelling          upwelling                      on files

                                        ---------------     ---------------     -------       --------

      monochromatic (by layer, 1 file/layer)    45                  46                           MFILE


           IMRG options are continued on next page.



RECORD 1.2 (Continued)


           IMRG (Continued)



                                                    IMRG OPTIONS FOR SEQUENTIAL OUTPUT




                                         Monochromatic Input, calculated in current run.


                                                                 IMRG =


                          MERGE PATH:    space to ground     ground to space     tangent       Results

                RADIANCE CALCULATION:      downwelling          upwelling                      on file

                                         ---------------     ---------------     -------       -------

         monochromatic                           3                   4               7           NFILE

         scanned results                        13                  14              17           NFILE

         filtered results                       23                  24              27           NFILE




                                            Monochromatic Input, on precalculated KFILE.


                                                                 IMRG =


                          MERGE PATH:    space to ground     ground to space     tangent       Results

                RADIANCE CALCULATION:      downwelling          upwelling                      on file

                                         ---------------     ---------------     -------       -------

         monochromatic                           5                   6               8           NFILE

         scanned results                        15                  16              18           NFILE

         filtered results                       25                  26              28           NFILE



                                          Monochromatic Input, on precalculated KODFILs.


                                                                 IMRG =

                                         -----------------------------------------------       Results

                          MERGE PATH:    space to ground     ground to space     tangent       Results

                RADIANCE CALCULATION:      downwelling          upwelling                      on file

                                         ---------------     ---------------     -------       -------

         scanned results (flux calculations)    35                  36                           NFILE





           |                                                      |


           |                                                      |




RECORD 1.2 (Continued)



         The actual results produced on MFILE or NFILE are determined by both IEMIT on Record 1.2 and JEMIT on either

         Record 6 (scanned results) or Record 7.1 (filtered results).  The following table describes the options:



                                                                 RESULTS PRODUCED ON MFILE OR NFILE



                                    TYPE OF RESULT                IEMIT=0                  IEMIT=1

                                  ------------------         -----------------        -----------------

                                  monochromatic                optical depths         transmittance & radiance

                                  scanned  (JEMIT=0)           transmittance          transmittance

                                  scanned  (JEMIT=1)                n/a               radiance

                                  filtered (JEMIT=0)           transmittance          transmittance

                                  filtered (JEMIT=1)                n/a               radiance




                 In the context of LBLRTM calculations, weighting functions are readily obtained from the

                              NFILE sequential transmittances by "subtracting" adjacent files (dT or dR), and

                              employing the stored layer boundary definitions for P or z, i.e. (dlnP or dz).

                              ( Use Option IOPT = 2 in PLTLBL for subtraction of LBLRTM files )


                 For the filter option ( .and. IMRG.le.28), the results, including the differences

                              of the total transmittances or radiances, are also printed on unit IPR (TAPE6)


                 For the flux computations (IMRG.eq.35 .or. IMRG.eq.36), the results are merged from the top of

                              the atmosphere down for IMRG.eq.35 to provide the downward radiance at each level,

                              and from the ground up for IMRG.eq.36 to provide upward radiance at each level.


                 "SEQUENTIAL" is defined at the total optical depth, transmittance, or radiance from H1 to

                              each layer boundary (Ln), always beginning at H1:


                                   H1    L1   L2   L3










           |                                                      |


           |                                                      |




RECORD RECORD 1.2 (Continued)




*******    ILAS    (0,1,2) flag for laser options      ************ not currently available in LBLRTM


                   = 0  no

                   = 1  single laser frequency selected (V1 on record 1.3)

                   = 2  multiple laser frequency selected

                          (first laser frequency is V1 on record 1.3;

                           subsequent laser frequencies are on records 5.1 ... 5.N)


            IOD    (0,1,2,3,4) flag for layering control in optical depth calculations


                   = 0  normal calculation (default)

                   = 1  uses exact calculated dv for each layer and interpolates to the spacing set by DVOUT

                   = 2  uses exact calculated dv for each layer

                           (requires IMRG = 1)

                   = 3  sets DVSET to DV for last layer and interpolates all layers to the DVSET grid

                           (requires IMRG = 1 or IMRG=40-43)

                   = 4  uses DVSET for last layer and interpolates to the spacing set by DVOUT


         IXSECT    (0,1) flag for cross-sections


                   = 0  no cross-sections included in calculation

                   = 1  cross-sections included in calculation

                           (input file FSCDXS containing the cross-section file information must be provided.

                            See Table II following Record 3.7.1 for a description of file FSCDXS)


           MPTS         number of optical depth values printed for the beginning and

                        ending of each panel as a result of convolution for current layer

                        (for laser option ILAS > 1, MPTS should be set to 0)

                        (for MPTS < O, output printing is suppressed)


           NPTS         number of values printed for the beginning and ending of each panel

                        as result of merge of current layer with previous layers

                        (optical depth for IEMIT=0; radiance and transmission for IEMIT=1)

                        (for laser option ILAS > 1, NPTS should be set to 0)


         ISOTPL    (0,1) flag for isotopologues


                   = 0  isotopologues are included in the calculation at their HITRAN ratios (default)

                   = 1  isotopologues are included and must be specified by the user on Record 2.3 (if IATM=0)

                        or Record 3.9 (if IATM=1)


           IBRD    (0,1) flag for species by species broadening


                   = 0  no species by species broadening (default)

                   = 1  species by species broadening included




RECORD 1.2a   (required if ICNTNM = 6)





             free format



             XSELF  H2O self broadened continuum absorption multiplicative factor


             XFRGN  H2O foreign broadened continuum absorption multiplicative factor


             XCO2C  CO2 continuum absorption multiplicative factor


             XO3CN  O3 continuum absorption multiplicative factor


             XO2CN  O2 continuum absorption multiplicative factor


             XN2CN  N2 continuum absorption multiplicative factor


             XRAYL  Rayleigh extinction multiplicative factor








 RECORD 1.2.1    (required if IEMIT = 2; otherwise omit)


                             NOTE:  IEMIT = 2 requires binary solar radiance file SOLAR.RAD, containing

                                    extraterrestrial source spectra in units W/(m2 cm-1).




            1-5,    6-10,   13-15,   16-20,  21-30,       36-45,     51-60,    61-70


             I5,      I5,  2X, I3,      I5,  F10.5,  5X,  F10.5,  5X,  F10.5,    F10.5



              INFLAG       (0,1,2,3) input flag for solar radiance calculation


                           = 0  input previously calculated radiance and transmittance from TAPE12 (default)

                           = 1  input previously calculated optical depth from TAPE12

                           = 2  input previously calculated upwelling radiance and transmittance from TAPE12,

                                downwelling radiance and transmittance from 'SOL.PATH.T2', and solar reflection

                                function from 'SOL.REFLECTANCE' (all binary files).

                           = 3  input previously calculated transmittance from TAPE12 (CHARTS-type output)


              IOTFLG       (0,1,2) output flag for solar radiance calculation (output to TAPE13)


                           = 0  output attenuated solar radiance (default)

                           = 1  output total radiance (requires INFLAG = 0)

                           = 2  output total radiance, including effects of downwelling thermal and reflection

                                from solar path (requires INFLAG = 2)




               Note 1:      For total downwelling radiance use INGLAG=0 and IOTFLG=1. Requires previous

                                LBLRTM run with IEMIT=1 to obtain TAPE12.

               Note 2:      For total upwelling radiance use INFLAG=2 and IOTFLG=2. Requires two previous 

                              LBLRTM runs with IEMIT=1. Total radiance given by R1+S2*T2*r1*T1

                 Observer |-O-|
                            -      \|/ Sun
                           /|\    --O--
                            |      /|\
                            |   S2,/  /
                            |   T2/  /
                       R1,T1|    / |/_ R3
                            |   /  /
                            |  /  /
             Ground    ---------------------------

                Run 1:   Downwelling radiance and transmittance (R3,T2): set ANGLE to solar zenith angle.

                             After run is complete copy TAPE12 to SOL.PATH.T2.

                 Run 2:      Upwelling radiance (R1,T1): set angle to observer angle. Make sure H1, H2, TBOUND,

                             SREMISS and SRREFL are correct for this geometry.




              JULDAT      Julian day associated with calculation (1-365/366 starting January 1).

Used to calculate Earth distance from sun. A value of 0 (default) indicates no scaling of solar source function using earth-sun distance.



             ISOLVAR      (-1,0,1,2) specifies choice of solar source function

see the instructions in the extract solar package for directions on building the appropriate solar source file for the selected ISOLVAR option


= -1  uses solar source file with a single component; no temporal variability; assumes Kurucz extraterrestrial solar irradiance; total extraterrestrial solar irradiance is 1368.22 W/m2, unless scaled by SCON


= 0  uses solar source file with a single component; no temporal variability; assumes NRLSSI2 extraterrestrial solar irradiance; total extraterrestrial solar irradiance is 1360.85 W/m2 (for the spectral range 100-50000 cm-1), unless scaled by SCON. In addition to the component that does not vary with the solar cycle, the extraterrestrial irradiance includes contributions from facular brightening and sunspot darkening fixed to their respective average values over Solar Cycles 13-24


= 1  uses solar source file with separate components for the non-variable, facular brightening and sunspot darkening terms as specified by the NRLSSI2 model; contributions due to facular brightening and sunspot darkening are determined by the specified fraction of the solar cycle (requires SOLCYCFRAC); in addition, the magnitude of cycle of these variable terms can be scaled (requires SOLVAR)


= 2  uses solar source file with separate components for the non-variable, facular brightening and sunspot darkening terms as specified by the NRLSSI2 model; contributions due to facular brightening and sunspot darkening are determined by Mg and SB indices (requires SOLVAR)



                SCON      specifies solar constant

= 0.0:  no scaling of specified solar irradiance

> 0.0 and ISOLVAR=-1 or ISOLVAR=0:   total extraterrestrial solar irradiance is scaled to SCON

> 0.0 and ISOLVAR=1:  components are scaled such that the average of total solar irradiance over the solar cycle is SCON



          SOLCYCFRAC     For ISOLVAR=1, fraction of the 11-year solar cycle.

The minimum phase of solar cycle is obtained by setting SOLCYCFRAC equal to 0 or 1.



              SOLVAR      Solar variability scaling factors (ISOLVAR=1) or indices (ISOLVAR=2);


For ISOLVAR = 1 scale factor is relative to average over Solar Cycles 13-24: a value of 1.0 reproduces average cycle

SOLVAR(1): Facular brightening cycle amplitude scale factor

SOLVAR(2) : Sunspot darkening cycle amplitude scale factor


For ISOLVAR = 2: used for modelling specific solar activity

SOLVAR(1): Mg index (determines facular brightening) as defined in the NRLSSI2 model

SOLVAR(2): SB index (determines sunspot darkening) as defined in the NRLSSI2 model



RECORD 1.3    (required if IHIRAC > 0; IAERSL > 0; IEMIT = 1; IATM = 1; or ILAS > 0; otherwise omit)




             V1,     V2,   SAMPLE,   DVSET,  ALFAL0,   AVMASS,   DPTMIN,   DPTFAC,   ILNFLG,     DVOUT,   NMOL_SCAL


           1-10,  11-20,    21-30,   31-40,   41-50,    51-60,    61-70,    71-80,     85,      90-100,         105


          E10.3,  E10.3,    E10.3,   E10.3,   E10.3,    E10.3,    E10.3,    E10.3,    4X,I1,  5X,E10.3,       3x,I2




                  V1    beginning wavenumber value for the calculation

                                  (VLAS = V1 for ILAS = 1,2)


                  V2    ending wavenumber value for the calculation

                                ( (V2-V1) must be less than 2020 cm - 1 )


              SAMPLE    number of sample points per mean halfwidth (between 1. and 4.)

                        (default = 4.)


               DVSET    selected DV for the final monochromatic calculation

                        if positive, must be within 20% of DV for final

                        monochromatic calculation determined by LBLRTM


                        If negative, final DV = abs(DVSET).  However, this option causes

                        line width readjustment which may effect the validity of the

                        results. Use with extreme caution.


              ALFAL0    average collision broadened halfwidth (cm - 1/atm) (default = 0.04)


              AVMASS    average molecular mass (amu) for Doppler halfwidth (default = 36)


              DPTMIN    minimum molecular optical depth below which lines will be rejected

                                (negative value defaults to DPTMIN = 0.0002)


              DPTFAC    factor multiplying molecular continuum optical depth to

                        determine optical depth below which lines will be rejected

                                (negative value defaults to DPTFAC = 0.001)


              ILNFLG    flag for binary record of line rejection information


                      = 0  line rejection information not recorded (default)

                      = 1  write line rejection information to REJ1, REJ4

                      = 2  read line rejection information from REJ1, REJ4


               DVOUT    selected DV grid for the optical depth "monochromatic"

                        output spacing (must be less than or equal to default

                        spacing or DVSET if nonzero).


           NMOL_SCAL    Enables the scaling of the atmospheric profile for selected species

                        NMOL_SCAL is the highest molecule number for which scaling will be applied

                        See Record(s) 1.3.a/1.3.b.n


RECORD 1.3.a    (required if NMOL_SCAL > 0;  otherwise omit)










          HMOL_SCAL(M)   for molecule M (column M in Record 1.3.a:


          HMOL_SCAL(M)    XMOL_SCAL(M) from Record 1.3.b interpreted and used as follows:


                   ' '    no scaling applied       (overrides any value on Record 1.3.b)

                   '0'    scaling factor is zero   (layer column amounts are set to 0. for all levels)

                   '1'    scaling factor used directly to scale profile

            'c' or 'C'    column amount to which the profile is to be scaled (molec/cm^2)

            'd' or 'D'    column amount in Dobson units to which the profile is to be scaled

            'm' or 'M'    volume mixing ratio (ppv) wrt dry air for the total column to which the profile will be scaled

            'p' or 'P'    value of Precipitable Water Vapor (cm) to which the profile will be scaled (water vapor only, MUST be floating point or exponential format)


                          The scaling factor is the same at all levels


                     M    Molecule number as indicated in the following Table:


                           1:   H2O  2:  CO2   3:    O3  4:   N2O  5:    CO  6:   CH4  7:     O2 8:    NO  

                           9:   SO2 10:   NO2 11:   NH3 12:  HNO3 13:    OH 14:    HF 15:   HCL 16:   HBR 

                          17:    HI 18:   CLO 19:   OCS 20:  H2CO 21:  HOCL 22:    N2 23:   HCN 24: CH3CL

                          25:  H2O2 26:  C2H2 27:  C2H6 28:   PH3 29:  COF2 30:   SF6 31:   H2S 32: HCOOH

                          33:   HO2 34:     O 35:CLONO2 36:   NO+ 37:  HOBR 38:  C2H4 39: CH3OH





RECORD 1.3.b.(1..n)    (only if NMOL_SCAL > 0;  otherwise omit)    # records depends on NMOL_SCAL



           (XMOL_SCAL, M=1,mol_max)      






           XMOL_SCAL(M)     value interpreted from HMOL_SCAL(M) to be used for scaling the profile of molecule M




 RECORD 1.4    (required if IEMIT = 1, or both IEMIT=2 and IOTFLG=2; otherwise omit)




         TBOUND, SREMIS(1), SREMIS(2), SREMIS(3), SRREFL(1), SRREFL(2), SRREFL(3), surf_refl


           1-10,     11-20,     21-30,     31-40,     41-50,     51-60,     61-70,    75  


          E10.3,     E10.3,     E10.3,     E10.3,     E10.3,     E10.3,     E10.3    4X,1A




    temperature and emissivity parameters for boundary at H2 (end of path)

              (applies to downlooking, uplooking and tangent paths)


    for down looking case, the effect of reflected atmospheric radiance above lower boundary included for SRREFL(I) > 0.

              (reflected atmosphere from H1 to H2 included)




        TBOUND       temperature of boundary (K)


        SREMIS(I)    frequency dependent boundary emissivity coefficients (I = 1,2,3)


                       EMISSIVITY   = SREMIS(1) + SREMIS(2)*V + SREMIS(3)*(V**2)


               *** NOTE: Entering a value for SREMIS(1) < 0 allows for direct input of boundary emissivities

                         from file 'EMISSIVITY'


        SRREFL(I)    frequency dependent boundary reflectivity coefficients (I = 1,2,3)


                        REFLECTIVITY = SRREFL(1) + SRREFL(2)*V + SRREFL(3)*(V**2)


               *** NOTE: Entering a value for SRREFL(1) < 0 allows for direct input of boundary reflectivities

                         from file 'REFLECTIVITY'


        surf_refl    specifies the surface type used in computing the reflected downward radiance


                     's' or ' ' - is for a specular surface

                     'l'        - is for a lambertian surface

                                   Note:  For the surf_refl = 'l' option

                                          If IATM=0 the appropriate angle is specified on  Record 2.1;

                                          Otherwise the angle is determined from the geometry in lblatm (IATM>0)



 RECORD 1.4 (Continued)



                |                                FORMAT FOR 'EMISSION' and 'REFLECTION' FILES                       |

                |                                --------------------------------------------                       |

                |                                                                                                   |

                |      Record 1:                                                                                    |

                |                V1,      V2,      DV,      NLIM                                                    |

                |                                                                                                   |

                |              1-10,   11-20,   21-30,     36-40                                                    |

                |                                                                                                   |

                |             E10.3,   E10.3,   E10.3,     5X,I5                                                    |

                |                                                                                                   |

                |                                                                                                   |

                |             V1   beginning wavenumber of input (should be less than V1 on RECORD 1.3 from TAPE5)  |

                |                                                                                                   |

                |             V2   ending wavenumber of input (should be greater than V2 on RECORD 1.3 from TAPE5)  |

                |                                                                                                   |

                |             DV   spectral spacing of input (cannot be less than 0.5 cm-1)                         |

                |                                                                                                   |

                |           NLIM   number of points in input (must be less than or equal to 4040)                   |

                |                                                                                                   |

                |                                                                                                   |

                |      Record 2(i), i=1,NLIM:                                                                       |

                |                                                                                                   |

                |               ZDATA                                                                               |

                |                                                                                                   |

                |                1-10                                                                               |

                |                                                                                                   |

                |               E10.3                                                                               |

                |                                                                                                   |

                |                                                                                                   |

                |          ZDATA   Spectrally dependent boundary emission or reflection value                       |

                |                         (one spectral value per card)                                             |

                |                                                                                                   |







 RECORD 1.5   (required for Analytic Jacobian calculation: IEMIT=3 and IMRG=40,41,42 or 43)









            NSPCRT  (-1,0,1,...N)    species number for radiance analytic Jacobian/derivative


                      -1 = surface emissivity and surface skin temperature

                       0 = atmospheric temperature profile

               1 -> Nmol = reference number in TABLE 1 for molecular species




RECORD 1.6a    (required if IMRG = 35-36, 40-41, 45-46; otherwise omit)


                             NOTE:  IMRG = 35-36, 40-41, 45-46 require separate optical depth files for each layer


           PTHODL, LAYTOT


            1-55,  57-60


             A55, 1X, I4



              PTHODL       pathname for precalculated optical depth files


                Example:  For PTHODL="ODdeflt_", code will look for files ODdeflt_01, ...



              LAYTOT       total number of layers used in radiative transfer


          *** NOTE *** LAYTOT ignored for IEMIT = 3








 ******  these records applicable only if LBLATM not selected (IATM=0)  ******


                       LAYER INPUT  (MOLECULES ONLY)




          IFORM, NLAYRS, NMOL, SECNTO,        ZH1,       ZH2,    ZANGLE


            2     3-5,   6-10,  11-20,      41-48,     53-60,     66-73


          1X,I1    I3,    I5,   F10.2,  20X, F8.2,  4X, F8.2,  5X, F8.3



               IFORM      (0,1) column amount format flag


                        = 0  read PAVE(L), WKL(M,L), WBROADL(L) in F10.4, E10.3, E10.3 formats (default)

                        = 1  read PAVE(L), WKL(M,L), WBROADL(L) in E15.7 format


              NLAYRS      number of layers (maximum of 200)


                NMOL      value of highest molecule number used (default = 7; maximum of 47)

                                 See Table I for molecule numbers.


              SECNTO      user entered scale factor for the column amount for the layers defined by NLAYRS

                                 if positive, looking up

                                 if negative, looking down

                          normal value = 1.0


                 ZH1      observer altitude


                 ZH2      end point altitude


              ZANGLE      mean zenith angle for path calculation (degrees)


                          NOTE: With the surf_refl = 'l' option on Record 1.4

                                ZANGLE must be set.  (ZANGLE .gt.90 and .le.180 )              


RECORD 2.1.1


           PAVE(L), TAVE(L), SECNTK(L), ITYL(L),  IPATH, ALTZ(L-1), PZ(L-1), TZ(L-1), ATLZ(L), PZ(L), TZ(L)


              1-10,   11-20,     21-30,   31-33,  34-35,     37-43,   44-51,   52-58,   59-65, 66-73, 74-80


             F10.4,   F10.4,     F10.4,      A3,     I2,   1X,F7.2,    F8.3,    F7.2,    F7.2,  F8.3,  F7.2


       IF IFORM=1 from record 2.1, then the following format is used:


              1-15,   16-25,     26-35,    36-38, 39-40,     42-48,   49-56,   57-63,   64-70, 71-78, 79-85


             E15.7,   F10.4,     F10.4,       A3,    I2,   1X,F7.2,    F8.3,    F7.2,    F7.2,  F8.3,  F7.2



             PAVE(L)   average pressure of layer (millibars) (**If IFORM=1, then PAVE in E15.7 format**)


             TAVE(L)   average temperature of layer (K)


           SECNTK(L)   if SECNTK .ne. 0, it is the value of the column amount

                       scale factor that will be used in the calculation for this layer


                       a non-zero value for SECNTK will override the scale factor

                       value, SECNTO .



 RECORD 2.1.1 (Continued)




             ITYL(L)   overrides the LBLRTM internal calulation of ITYPE for the layer L.

                       ITYPE controls the DV ratio of the previous layer to the current layer.

                       A blank defaults to the internal calulation.

                     = 0 specifies 1/1

                       1 specifies 2/1

                       2 specifies 3/2

                       4 specifies 5/4

                       5 specifies 6/5

                      99 specifies first layer (i.e. no ratio)



               IPATH = 0 determined by sign of SECNTO

                       1 looking down merge (upwelling radiance calculated)

                       2 tangent layer merge

                       3 looking up merge (downwelling radiance calculated)


           ALTZ(L-1)   altitude for bottom of current layer (information only)


             PZ(L-1)   pressure at ALTZ(L-1)  (information only)


             TZ(L-1)   temperature at ALTZ(L-1)  -  used by LBLRTM for Planck Function Calculation


                       ** NOTE **  ALTZ(L-1), PZ(L-1) and TZ(L-1) are only required for the first layer.

                                   LBLRTM assumes that these quantites are equal to the top of the previous

                                   layer for L > 1.


             ALTZ(L)   altitude for top of current layer (information only)


               PZ(L)   pressure at ALTZ(L)  (information only)


               TZ(L)   temperature at ALTZ(L)  -  used by LBLRTM for Planck Function Calculation



 RECORD 2.1.2



          (WKL(M,L), M=1, 7), WBROADL(L)





              WKL(M,L)   column densities (molecules/cm**2) or mixing ratios (ppv) for 7 molecular species


            WBROADL(L)   column density for broadening gases (molecules/cm**2)

              Note that WBROAD only includes the gases in air that do not have specified profiles in your run.

              For example, if N2 (molecule #22) is not specified, (NMOL < 22), WBROAD includes N2, Ar, etc.

              If N2 is specified as molecule #22, WBROAD does not include N2.


                         **NOTE** If IFORM=1, then WKL(M,L) and WBROADL(L) are in 8E15.7 format




 RECORD 2.1.3     only if (NMOL  .GT . 7)         # records depends on NMOL



          (WKL(M,L), M=8, NMOL)





                NMOL is set from LINFIL (TAPE3)


                     (NMOL limited to 35 in LBLRTM)    **NOTE: If IFORM=1 then WKL(M,L) in 8E15.7 format**






 REPEAT RECORDS 2.1.1 through 2.1.3 for the remaining layers (up to NLAYRS)




 ******  these records applicable only if LBLATM not selected (IATM=0)  ******

 ****************  and cross-sections ARE selected (IXSECT=1)  ***************


                    LAYER INPUT  (CROSS-SECTIONS ONLY)




          IXMOLS,        IXSBIN


               5,            15


              I5,     5X,    I5



              IXMOLS      number of cross-section molecules to be inputed (maximum of 35)


              IXSBIN   (0,1) flag to deselect pressure convolution of cross-sections


                        = 0 cross-sections convolved with pressure

                        = 1 cross-sections not convolved with pressure


 RECORD 2.2.1


          XSNAME(I), I=1, IXMOLS





              XSNAME      name of the cross-section molecules to be used

                          (Note: the cross-sections specified here must also appear in the

                           cross-section input file FSCDXS.  See Table II after RECORD 3.7.1)


 RECORD 2.2.2




            2      3-5,   6-10,  11-20, 21-80


          1X,I1    I3,     I5,   F10.2,  15A4



               IFRMX      (0,1) column amount format flag


                        = 0  read PAVX, XAMNT(M,L), WBROADX(L) in F10.4, E10.3, E10.3 formats (default)

                        = 1  read PAVX, XAMNT(M,L), WBROADX(L) in E15.7 format


              NLAYXS      number of layers (maximum of 200), should be the same as NLAYRS on Record 2.1


               IXMOL      number of cross-sections (maximum of 35), should be the same as IXMOLS on Record 2.2


              SECNTX      user entered scale factor for the column amount for the layers defined by NLAYXS

                                 if positive, looking up

                                 if negative, looking down

                          normal value = 1.0

                           *** Note: this quantity is for information only, SECNTX should be the same as

                                    SECNT0 on Record 2.1, which is used instead of this quantity.


               HEDXS      60 character user identification




          ****  Note: all the quantites on this Record, are for information only, LBLRTM will use the corresponding   ****

          ****        values from Record 2.1.1.    This record is retained to maintain compatibility with 2.1.1 and   ****

          ****        is consistent with the output from LBLATM with IPU = 1; this provides the flexibility of        ****

          ****        independent utilization of this data with external programs.                                    ****



 RECORD 2.2.3



          PAVX,  TAVX,  SECKXS,  ITYX(L),  IPATX,  ALTX(L-1),  PX(L-1),  TX(L-1),  ATLX(L),  PX(L),  TX(L)


          1-10, 11-20,   21-30,    31-33,  34-35,      37-43,    44-51,    52-58,    59-65,  66-73,  74-80


         F10.4,  F10.4,    F10.4,     A3,     I2,    1X,F7.2,      F8.3,    F7.2,     F7.2,   F8.3,   F7.2



                PAVX   ave. pressure of layer (millibars) (**If IFRMX=1, then PAVX in E15.7 format**)


                TAVX   ave. temperature of layer (K)


              SECKXS   if SECKXS .ne. 0, it is the value of the column amount

                       scale factor that will be used in the calculation for this layer


                       a non-zero value for SECKXS will override the scale factor

                       value, SECNTX .


             ITYX(L)   overrides the LBLRTM internal calulation of ITYPE for the layer L.

                       ITYPE controls the DV ratio of the previous layer to the current layer.

                       A blank defaults to the internal calulation.

                     = 0 specifies 1/1

                       1 specifies 2/1

                       2 specifies 3/2

                       4 specifies 5/4

                       5 specifies 6/5

                      99 specifies first layer (i.e. no ratio)


               IPATX = 0 determined by sign of SECNTX

                       1 looking down merge (upwelling radiance calculated)

                       2 tangent layer merge

                       3 looking up merge (downwelling radiance calculated)


           ALTX(L-1)   altitude for bottom of current layer


             PX(L-1)   pressure at ALTX(L-1)


             TX(L-1)   temperature at ALTX(L-1)


                       ** NOTE **  ALTX(L-1), PX(L-1) and TX(L-1) are only required for the first layer.

                                   LBLRTM assumes that these quantites are equal to the top of the previous

                                   layer for L > 1.


             ALTX(L)   altitude for top of current layer


               PX(L)   pressure at ALTZ(L)


               TX(L)   temperature at ALTZ(L)





 RECORD 2.2.4



          (XAMNT(I,L), I=1, 7), WBROADX(L)





            XAMNT(I,L)   column densities (molecules/cm**2) or mixing ratios (ppv) for 7 cross-section molecules


            WBROADX(L)   column density for broadening gases (molecules/cm**2),                    ** information only **

                         should be the same as WBROADL, on Record 2.1.2


                         **NOTE** If IFRMX=1, then XAMNT(I,L) and WBROADX(L) are in 8E15.7 format




 RECORD 2.2.5     only if (IXMOL  .GT . 7)         # records depends on IXMOL



          (XAMNT(I,L), I=8, IXMOL)




                **NOTE: If IFRMX=1 then XAMNT(I,L) in 8E15.7 format**




 REPEAT RECORDS 2.2.3 through 2.2.5 for the remaining layers (up to NLAYXS)




 ******  these records applicable only if LBLATM not selected (IATM=0)  ******

 ****************  and isotopologues ARE selected (ISOTPL=1)  ***************













             NISOTPL      Number of isotopologue molecules to be inputed (maximum of 117)



 RECORD 2.3.1







        ISOTPL_HCODE      Three-digit isotopologue HITRAN code for all NISOTPL isotopolgues to be input.

                          First two digits represent the associated molecular species (see Table I),

                          and the third digit represents the isotopologue (1-9); note that the tenth

                          isotopologue of CO2 can be requested with the HITRAN code ' 20'.

                          (Repeat Record 2.3.1 as needed if more than 10 isotopologues are requested.



 RECORD 2.3.2


          IFRMI, NLAYIS


            2      3-5


          1X,I1    I3



               IFRMI      (0,1) column amount format flag


                        = 0  read ISOTPL_AMNT(M,L) in E10.3 format (default)

                        = 1  read ISOTPL_AMNT(M,L) in E15.7 format


              NLAYIS      number of layers (maximum of 200), must be the same as NLAYRS on Record 2.1.




 RECORD 2.3.3



    (ISOTPL_AMNT(I,L), I=1, 8)





      ISOTPL_AMNT(I,L)   column density (molecules/cm**2) or fractional amount; the latter is the ratio of the

                         number of the isotopologue molecules to the total number of molecules of that species

                         (similar to HITRAN ratio; 0-1);


                         The atmospheric state and other information entered in Record 2.1.1 and the column

                         density for the broadening gases, WBROADL, entered in Record 2.1.2 will be assumed.

                         For a given species, all specified isotopologue abundances must be one of these two

                         types; a mix of column densities and fractions is not allowed.

                         Note that the first isotopologue is the same as the main molecule for that species.


                         For column density input, the total column amount for that species will increase

                         by the specified amount, but only the specified isotopologue will be included in the

                         calculations. Other isotopologues for that species can be included at their default

                         HITRAN ratio (relative to the column density entered in Records 2.1.2-2.1.3) by

                         entering their column density in this record as '-1.0'.


                         For fractional input, the total column amount for that species will not increase.

                         The fractional abundance of all unrequested isotopologues for that species will

                         be adjusted to keep the total fraction equal to the sum of the HITRAN ratios for

                         that species (i.e. close to 1.0). For this input type, a column density or mixing

                         ratio for the primary isotopologue molecule must be entered in Records 2.1.2-2.1.3.

                         All isotopologues of the selected species will be included in the fractional input,

                         but only those with valid line parameters in the input line file will be radiatively

                         active in the calculations.


                         ** NOTE ** If IFRMI=1, then ISOTPL_AMNT(I,L) is in 8E15.7 format




 RECORD 2.3.4   only if (NISOTPL .GT. 8)         # record depends on NISOTPL







                         ** NOTE ** If IFRMI=1, then ISOTPL_AMNT(I,L) is in 8E15.7 format




 REPEAT RECORDS 2.3.3 through 2.3.4 for the remaining layers (up to NLAYIS)





 ********     these records applicable if LBLATM selected (IATM=1)    ********








          5,     10,    15,      20,      25,    30,     35,  36-37,    39-40, 41-50,  51-60, 61-70,        81-90


         I5,     I5,    I5,      I5,      I5,    I5,     I5,     I2,   1X, I2, F10.3,  F10.3, F10.3,   10x, F10.3



           MODEL   selects atmospheric profile


                     = 0  user supplied atmospheric profile

                     = 1  tropical model

                     = 2  midlatitude summer model

                     = 3  midlatitude winter model

                     = 4  subarctic summer model

                     = 5  subarctic winter model

                     = 6  U.S. standard 1976


           ITYPE   selects type of path


                     = 1  horizontal path (constant pressure, temperature), use RECORD 3.2H

                     = 2  slant path from H1 to H2, use RECORD 3.2

                     = 3  slant path from H1 to space (see HSPACE), use RECORD 3.2


           IBMAX     selects layering for LBLRTM


                     = 0  LBLRTM layers are generated internally (default)

                     > 0  IBMAX is the number of layer boundaries read in on Record 3.3B which are

                                 used to define the layers used in LBLRTM calculation

                        If IBMAX is set to a negative value, the layer boundaries are

                        specified in PRESSURE (mbars).


           ZERO      = 2  zeroes absorber amounts which are less than 0.1 percent of total


           NOPRNT    = 0  full printout

                     = 1  selects short printout


           NMOL      number of molecular species (default = 7; maximum value is 35)


           IPUNCH    = 0  layer data not written (default)

                     = 1  layer data written to unit ITAPE7)PU (TAPE7)

                     = 2  atmospheric data written to AJ_atmosphere and AJ_xs_amnts for Analytic Jacobian



           IFXTYP    = 0  leave ITYL(L) and ITYX(L) fields blank on TAPE7 (if IPUNCH = 1, default)

                     = 1  calculate and write ITYL(L) and ITYX(L) to TAPE7 (if IPUNCH = 1)

                     = 2  calculate and write ITYL(L) and ITYX(L) to file "IFIXTYPE" (if IPUNCH = 1)

                     = -2 use values of ITYL(L) and ITYX(L) from file "IFIXTYPE"


                          NOTE: See RECORD 2.1.1 and RECORD 2.2.3 for ITYL(L) and ITYX(L)



           MUNITS    = 0  write molecular column amounts to TAPE7 (if IPUNCH = 1, default)

                     = 1  write molecular mixing ratios to TAPE7 (if IPUNCH = 1)




 RECORD 3.1 (Continued)




           RE        radius of earth (km)

                     defaults for RE=0:


                     a)  MODEL 0,2,3,6    RE = 6371.23 km

                     b)        1          RE = 6378.39 km

                     c)        4,5        RE = 6356.91 km


           HSPACE    altitude definition for space (default = 100 km)

                     internal models defined to 120 km



           VBAR      frequency for refractive geometry calculation


                       (default:  VBAR = (V1+V2) / 2 )     (V1,V2 from Record 1.3)



        REF_LAT     latitude of location of calculation (degrees)

                   defaults for REF_LAT = 0:

                   a) MODEL 0,2,3,6    REF_LAT = 45.0 degrees

                   b) MODEL 1          REF_LAT = 15.0

                   c) MODEL 4,5        REF_LAT = 60.0







 ------------------  SLANT PATH (ITYPE = 2,3) (MODEL = 0-6) ------------------






         H1,    H2,   ANGLE,   RANGE,   BETA,   LEN,     HOBS


       1-10, 11-20,   21-30,   31-40,  41-50, 51-55,    61-70


      F10.3, F10.3,   F10.3,   F10.3,  F10.3,    I5, 5X,F10.3



          H1     observer altitude (km)


               If IBMAX is negative, H1 is provided in pressure units (mbars)


          H2     for ITYPE = 2, H2 is the end point altitude (km)

                     ITYPE = 3, H2 is the tangent height (km) for H2 .GT. 0.

                                      if H2 = 0. ANGLE determines tangent height


               If IBMAX is negative, H2 is provided in pressure units (mbars)


          ANGLE  zenith angle at H1 (degrees)


          RANGE  length of a straight path from H1 to H2 (km)


          BETA   earth centered angle from H1 to H2 (degrees)


          LEN    = 0  short path (default)

                 = 1  long path through a tangent height


                 LEN is only used for H1 > H2 (ANGLE > 90`)


                 for ITYPE = 2, only 3 of the first 5 parameters are required to specify

                                the path, e.g., H1, H2, ANGLE or H1, H2 and RANGE


                 for ITYPE = 3, H1 = observer altitude must be specified. Either

                                H2 = tangent height or ANGLE must be specified.

                                Other parameters are ignored.


          HOBS   Height of observer, used only for informational purposes in

                 satellite-type simulations when computing output geometry

                 above 120 km.






                RECORD 3.3  options



 RECORD 3.3A        For IBMAX  = 0 (from RECORD 3.1)



               AVTRAT, TDIFF1, TDIFF2, ALTD1, ALTD2


                 1-10,  11-20,  21-30, 31-40, 41-50


                F10.3,  F10.3,  F10.3, F10.3, F10.3



          AVTRAT  maximum Voigt width ratio across a layer

                  (if zero, default = 1.5)


          TDIFF1  maximum layer temperature difference at

                  ALTD1 (if zero, default =  5 K)


          TDIFF2  maximum layer temperature difference at

                  ALTD2 (if zero, default = 8 K)


          ALTD1   altitude of TDIFF1 (if zero, default = 0 Km)


          ALTD2   altitude of TDIFF2 (if zero, default = 100 Km)





 RECORD 3.3B        For IBMAX > 0  (from RECORD 3.1)


                ZBND(I), I=1, IBMAX   altitudes of LBLRTM layer boundaries




                   If IBMAX < 0


              PBND(I), I=1, ABS(IBMAX) pressures of LBLRTM layer boundaries












                     User Defined Atmospheric Profile


 -------------------------------- (MODEL = 0) --------------------------------






           IMMAX,   HMOD


               5,   6-29


              I5,    3A8



           IMMAX    number of atmospheric profile boundaries


                    If IMMAX is set to a negative value, the level boundaries are

                    specified in PRESSURE (mbars).


            HMOD    24 character description of profile





       ZM,    PM,    TM,    JCHARP, JCHART,   JLONG,   (JCHAR(M),M =1,39)


     1-10, 11-20, 21-30,        36,     37,      39,     41  through  80


    E10.3, E10.3, E10.3,   5x,  A1,     A1,  1x, A1,     1x,    39A1



          ZM       boundary altitude (km). If IMMAX < 0, altitude levels are

                 computed from pressure levels PM. If any altitude levels are

                 provided, they are ignored if  IMMAX < 0 (exception: The

                 first input level must have an accompanying ZM for input

                 into the hydrostatic equation)


          PM       pressure (units and input options set by JCHARP)


          TM       temperature (units and input options set by JCHART)


      JCHARP       flag for units and input options for pressure (see Table I)


      JCHART       flag for units and input options for temperature (see Table I)


      JLONG        flag for reading long record for molecular information


                        = L  read VMOL(M) in 8E15.8 format


      JCHAR(K)     flag for units and input options for

                   the K'th molecule (see Table I)



 RECORD 3.6.1 ... 3.6.N


          VMOL(M), M=1, NMOL




          VMOL(M) density of the M'th molecule in units set by JCHAR(K)


          **NOTE** If JLONG=L, then VMOL(M) is in 8E15.8 format


 REPEAT records 3.5 and 3.6.1 to 3.6.N for each of the remaining IMMAX boundaries







 TABLE I. Units and input options for the K'th molecule





                                             TABLE I











        PRESSURE      1-6         default to value for specified model atmosphere

        (JCHARP)    " ",A         pressure in (mb)

                        B            "     "  (atm)

                        C            "     "  (torr)





     TEMPERATURE      1-6         default to value for specified model atmosphere

        (JCHART)    " ",A         ambient temperature in deg (K)

                        B            "     "   "   "   "  "  (C)







                1:   H2O    2:   CO2   3:    O3   4:   N2O   5:    CO   6:   CH4   7:    O2   8:   NO 

                9:   SO2   10:   NO2  11:   NH3  12:  HNO3  13:    OH  14:    HF  15:   HCL   16:  HBR 

               17:    HI   18:   CLO  19:   OCS  20:  H2CO  21:  HOCL  22:    N2  23:   HCN   24: CH3CL

               25:  H2O2  26:   C2H2  27:  C2H6  28:   PH3  29:  COF2  30:   SF6  31:   H2S   32: HCOOH 

               33:   HO2  34:      O  35:CLONO2  36:   NO+  37:  HOBR  38:   C2H4 39: CH3OH

                          potential choice of units for above species:


        JCHAR = 1-6           - default to value for specified model atmosphere

              = " ",A         - volume mixing ratio (ppmv):

              = B             - number density (cm-3)

              = C             - mass mixing ratio (gm/kg)

              = D             - mass density (gm m-3)

              = E             - partial pressure (mb)

              = F             - dew point temp (K) *H2O only*

              = G             - dew point temp (C) *H2O only*

              = H             - relative humidity (percent) *H2O only*

              = I             - available for user definition


        JCHAR must be less than "J"









 ----------------  HORIZONTAL PATH (ITYPE = 1) (MODEL = 0-6)  ---------------







             H1,      ,      ,  RANGEF


           1-10,                31-40


          F10.3,   10X,   10X,  F10.3



                H1     =  observer altitude (km)


                RANGEF =  path length (km)





 RECORD 3.3  not used for this case





 RECORD 3.4                 records included for MODEL = 0 only

  RECORD 3.5                   (see MODEL = 0 input records)

  RECORD 3.6








 **********  these records applicable if LBLATM selected (IATM=1)  ***********

 ****************  and cross-sections ARE selected (IXSECT=1)  ***************








               5,     10,     15


              I5,     I5,     I5



              IXMOLS      number of cross-section molecules to be inputed (maximum of 35)


              IPRFL  (0,1)


                        = 0  user input profile

                        = 1  standard profile as determined by LBLATM


              IXSBIN (0,1) flag to deselect pressure convolution of cross-sections


                        = 0 cross-sections convolved with pressure (default)

                        = 1 cross-sections not convolved with pressure


 RECORD 3.7.1


          XSNAME(I), I=1, IXMOLS





              XSNAME      name of the cross-section molecules to be used

                          (Note: the cross-sections specified here must also appear

                           in the cross-section input file FSCDXS.  See Table II)



 TABLE II. Structure of file FSCDXS.





                                            TABLE II


    Below is a sample file for FSCDXS.  The format for the fields of file FSCDXS is given below:


                      XNAME, V1X, V2X, DVX, NTEMP, IFRM, CFRM, (XFILS(I),I=1,NTEMP)


                             FORMAT (A10,2F10.4,F10.7,I5,5X,I5,A1,4X,6A10)



    Sample file FSCDXS:


    MOLECULE       V1        V2        DV     NTEMP    FORMAT    FILET1    FILET2    FILET3    FILET4    FILET5    FILET6


    CCL4        786.0010  805.9980 .01095126    1        86N    CCL4

    F11         830.0090  859.9990 .01095325    4        90N    F11AT1    F11AT2    F11AT3    F11AT4

    F11        1060.0040 1099.9980 .01095726    1        86N    F11BT1

    F12         860.0080  939.9960 .01095576    6        90     F12AT1    F12AT2    F12AT3    F12AT4    F12AT5    F12AT6

    F12        1070.0050 1179.9940 .01095726    4        90N    F12BT1    F12BT2    F12BT3    F12BT4




           XNAME     10 character cross-section name, left-justified, all CAPS,

                     which matches an alias from the following table:


                                      Cross-Section Molecules and Aliases  



                             Alias(1)           Alias(2)           Alias(3)           Alias(4)

                            ----------         ----------         ----------         ----------

                            CLONO2              CLNO3


                            CHCL2F                                 CFC21              F21


                            CCL3F               CFCL3              CFC11              F11

                            CCL2F2              CF2CL2             CFC12              F12

                            C2CL2F4             C2F4CL2            CFC114             F114

                            C2CL3F3             C2F3CL3            CFC113             F113



                            CF4                                    CFC14              F14

                            CHCLF2              CHF2CL             CFC22              F22

                            CCLF3                                  CFC13              F13

                            C2CLF5                                 CFC115             F115



                            ACET                CH3COCH3           ACETONE            CH3C(O)CH3


                            CHF2CF3             HFC-125

                            CFH2CF3             HFC-134a

                            CF3CH3              HFC-143a

                            CH3CHF2             HFC-152a

                            CH2F2               HFC-32

                            CCl2FCH3            HCFC-141b

                            CH3CClF2            HCFC-142b

                            CHClF2              HCFC-22

                            CHCl2CF3            HCFC-123

                            CHCl2C2F5           HCFC-124

                            C3HCl2F5            HCFC-225ca

                            C3HCl2F5            HCFC-225cb


                            ISOP                C5H8

                            CHF3                HFC-23




                     Note: If a molecule has cross-section data in more than one spectral region,

                     = 'N'  -  unblocked data (100 characters/record)

                     = ' '  -  blocked data (51*100 characters/record)    ** default **


        XFILS(I)     10 character cross-section file name

                         (may include directory name if length is adequate)




                     User Defined Atmospheric Profile


 -------------------------------- (IPRFL = 0) --------------------------------






            LAYX,  IZORP,  XTITLE


               5,     10,   11-60


              I5,     I5      A50



           LAYX         number of atmospheric profile boundaries


           IZORP (0,1)  flag which determines value of ZORP on Record 3.8.1


                        = 0   ZORP is an altitude in KM

                        = 1   ZORP is a pressure in millibars


           XTITLE       50 character description of profile


 RECORD 3.8.1



     ZORP,  (JCHAR(K),K =1,28)


     1-10,    16  through  50


    F10.3, 5X,           35A1



        ZORP       boundary altitude (km) or pressure (millibars) as determined by IZORP on Record 3.8


      JCHAR(K)     flag for units and input options for

                   the K'th cross-section


                       JCHAR = 1             - default to value for global model atmosphere

                             = " ",A         - volume mixing ratio (ppmv)



 RECORD 3.8.2 ... 3.8.N


          DENX(K), K=1, IXMOLS




          DENX(K) density of the K'th cross-section in units set by JCHAR(K)


 REPEAT records 3.8.1 to 3.8.N for each of the remaining LAYX boundaries




 ******  these records applicable only if LBLATM selected (IATM=1)  ******

 ****************  and isotopologues ARE selected (ISOTPL=1)  ***************













             NISOTPL      Number of isotopologue molecules to be inputed (maximum of 117)



 RECORD 3.9.1







        ISOTPL_HCODE      Three-digit isotopologue HITRAN code for all NISOTPL isotopolgues to be input.

                          First two digits represent the associated molecular species (see Table I),

                          and the third digit represents the isotopologue (1-9); note that the tenth

                          isotopologue of CO2 can be requested with the HITRAN code ' 20'.

                          (Repeat Record 3.9.1 as needed if more than 10 isotopologues are requested.



 RECORD 3.9.2


          IFRMI, NLAYIS


            2      3-5


          1X,I1    I3



               IFRMI      (0,1) column amount format flag


                        = 0  read ISOTPL_AMNT(M,L) in E10.3 format (default)

                        = 1  read ISOTPL_AMNT(M,L) in E15.7 format


              NLAYIS      number of layers (maximum of 200), must be one less than IBMAX entered on Record 3.1.




 RECORD 3.9.3



    (ISOTPL_AMNT(I,L), I=1, 8)





      ISOTPL_AMNT(I,L)   column density (molecules/cm**2) or fractional amount; the latter is the ratio of the

                         number of the isotopologue molecules to the total number of molecules of that species

                         (similar to HITRAN ratio; 0-1);


                         The atmospheric state and other information selected in Records 3.1-3.6 will be assumed.

                         For a given species, all specified isotopologue abundances must be one of these two

                         types; a mix of column densities and fractions is not allowed.

                         Note that the first isotopologue is the same as the main molecule for that species.


                         For column density input, the total column amount for that species will increase

                         by the specified amount, but only the specified isotopologue will be included in the

                         calculations. Other isotopologues for that species can be included at their default

                         HITRAN ratio (relative to the column density previously calculated by LBLATM) by

                         entering their column density in this record as '-1.0'.


                         For fractional input, the total column amount for that species will not increase.

                         The fractional abundance of all unrequested isotopologues for that species will

                         be adjusted to keep the total fraction equal to the sum of the HITRAN ratios for

                         that species (i.e. close to 1.0). For this input type, a column density or mixing

                         ratio for the primary isotopologue molecule must be requested with NMOL in Record 3.1.

                         All isotopologues of the selected species will be included in the fractional input,

                         but only those with valid line parameters in the input line file will be radiatively

                         active in the calculations.


                         ** NOTE ** If IFRMI=1, then ISOTPL_AMNT(I,L) is in 8E15.7 format




 RECORD 3.9.4   only if (NISOTPL .GT. 8)         # record depends on NISOTPL







                         ** NOTE ** If IFRMI=1, then ISOTPL_AMNT(I,L) is in 8E15.7 format




 REPEAT RECORDS 3.9.3 through 3.9.4 for the remaining layers (up to IBMAX-1)







                                   Spectral Absorber (IAERSL = 5)





    Spectral Absorption by Layer:

        This option exists to enable the user to provide slowly varying optical depths by layer

        This absorption may be due to clouds or aerosols


        Data must be on file 'in_lblrtm_cld'


        All Abs formats are free form. space delimited.


RECORD RECORD Abs.1                  


         n_freq           number of frequency points 


RECORD RECORD Abs.2               


         v_cloud_freq(l)  n_freq frequencies at which layer spectral optical depths are provided


RECORD RECORD Abs.3                 


         n_layer          number of layers for which the spectral optical depths are provided


                      must correlate with the layers being used in the radiative transfer


          ilay           layer index


          press          layer pressure (mbar) (for information only)






         cloudodlayer(n_freq) n_layer records of optical depths with n_freq values in each record

Repeat Records Abs.4.1 and Abs.4.2 for each of the remaining n_layer layers.




                                   AEROSOLS (IAERSL = 1,7)



    Subroutine LOWTRN


    Stripped down version of LOWTRAN 7 run as a subroutine to supply

    LBLRTM with the attenuation due to aerosols, clouds, fogs, and rain.


    Further details of most of the aerosol parameters are contained in

    the LOWTRAN7 User Guide (AFGL-TR-88-0177), the LOWTRAN6 Report (AFGL-TR-83-0187)

    the LOWTRAN5 Report (AFGL-TR-80-0167) and the Millimeter Aerosol Report (AFGL-TR-79-0253)





    The LOWTRAN options have not been updated or tested in recent

    versions of LBLRTM. Support is no longer available from AER for

    these options. Users who wish to model an absorber with slowly

    varying spectral dependence have the option of seting IAERSL=5

    and inputting spectrally dependent optical depths at each level.




  Activated by IAERSL = 1 or 7 (on record 1.2)


    ** Note:  1) CTHIK and CALT should be place on specified   **

    **           model levels (ZBND or PBND from Record 3.3B)  **

    **        2) MODEL is read in LBLATM                       **

    **        3) M1, M2, and M3 are set depending on MODEL     **


    RECORD sequence as follows




                                   Format (6I5,5F10.3)


         ***Optional RECORDS***


         (if ICLD = 18,19, or 20)     RECORD 4.2        CTHIK,CALT,CEXT,ISEED 

                                                     Format (3F10.3,I10)


         (if IVSA = 1)                RECORD 4.3        ZCVSA,ZTVSA,ZINVSA

                                                    Format (3F10.3)


         (if IAERSL = 7)              RECORD 4.4        ML,TITLE

                                                   Format (I5,18A4)


                                ** RECORD 4.5 is repeated ML times **


                                     RECORD 4.5        ZMDL,AHAZE,EQLWCZ,RRATZ,IHA1,ICLD1,IVUL1,ISEA1,ICHR1

                                                      Format (4F10.3,5I5)


        (if IHAZE = 7                RECORD 4.6.1      (IREG(I),I=1,4)

           or ICLD  = 11)                                Format (4I5)


                                     RECORD 4.6.2      AWCCON(N),TITLE(N)     

                                                       Format (E10.3,18A4)

                                                       ** Note: N = IREG(1)+IREG(2)+IREG(3)+IREG(4)



                                   RECORD 4.6.3      (VX(I),EXTC(N,I),ABSC(N,I),ASYM(N,I),I=1,47)     

                                                      Format (3(F6.2,2F7.5,F6.4))

                                                        ** 16 records **








                               FORMAT (6I5,5F10.3)


 IHAZE selects the type of extinction and a default meteorological

       range for the boundary-layer aerosol model

       (0 to 2 km altitude)


     IHAZE = 0      no aerosol attenuation included in calculation

           = 1      Rural extinction, (23 km VIS. default profile)

           = 2      Rural extinction, (5 km VIS. default profile)

           = 3      Navy Maritime extinction, sets own VIS.

           = 4      Maritime extinction, 23 km VIS.  (LOWTRAN 5 Model)

           = 5      Urban extinction,(5 km VIS. default profile)

           = 6      Tropospheric extinction, (50 km VIS. default profile)

           = 7      User defined aerosol extinction coefficients

                    see Records 4.6.1 - 4.6.3

           = 8      FOG1 (advection fog)  extinction, 0.2 km VIS.

           = 9      FOG2 (radiation fog)  extinction, 0.5 km VIS.

           = 10     DESERT extinction sets own visibility from wind speed (WSS).


           If VIS is also specified on Record 4.1 it will override the

           default IHAZE value of VIS



 ISEASN selects the seasonal dependence of the vertical profiles

        for both the tropospheric (2 to 10 km) and stratospheric

        (10 to 30 km) aerosols.


    ISEASN = 0      Defaults to season of MODEL (see RECORD 3.1)

                    (MODEL 0,1,2,4,6,7) summer

                    (MODEL 3,5)         winter

           = 1      spring-summer

           = 2      fall-winter


 IVULCN selects both the profile and extinction type for

        the stratospheric aerosols and determines transition

        profiles above the stratosphere to 100 km.


    IVULCN = 0      default to stratospheric background

           = 1      stratospheric background

           = 2      aged volcanic extinction; moderate volcanic profile

           = 3      fresh volcanic extinction; high volcanic profile

           = 4      aged volcanic extinction; high volcanic profile

           = 5      fresh volcanic extinction; moderate volcanic profile

           = 6      background stratospheric extinction; moderate volcanic profile

           = 7      background stratospheric extinction; high volcanic profile

           = 8      fresh volcanic extinction; extreme volcanic profile





 RECORD 4.1 (Continued)




 ICSTL is the air mass character (1 to 10); only used with

       Navy maritime model (IHAZE=3)             (default value = 3)


       ICSTL        = 1  open ocean




                     10  strong continental influence


 ICLD determines the inclusion of cirrus cloud attenuation or gives

      a choice of five cloud models and 5 rain models


 ICLD for cloud and or rain


      ICLD           = 0   no clouds or rain


                     = 1   Cumulus cloud; base .66 km; top 3.0 km

                     = 2   Altostratus cloud; base 2.4 km; top 3.0 km

                     = 3   Stratus cloud; base .33 km; top 1.0 km

                     = 4   Stratus; Strato Cumulus; base .66 km; top 2.0 km

                     = 5   Nimbostratus cloud; base .16 km; top .66 km


                     = 6   2.0 mm/hr drizzle (modeled with cloud 3)

                           rain 2.0 mm/hr at 0.0 km to 0.22 mm/hr at 1.5 km

                     = 7   5.0 mm/hr light rain (modeled with cloud 5)

                           rain 5.0 mm/hr at 0.0 km to 0.2 mm/hr at 2.0 km

                     = 8   12.5 mm/hr moderate rain (modeled with cloud 5)

                           rain 12.5 mm/hr at 0.0 km to 0.2 mm/hr at 2.0 km

                     = 9   25.0 mm/hr heavy rain (modeled with cloud 1)

                           rain 25.0 mm/hr at 0.0 km to 0.2 mm/hr at 3.0 km

                     =10   75.0 mm/hr extreme rain (modeled with cloud 1)

                           rain 75.0 mm/hr at 0.0 km to 0.2 mm/hr at 3.5 km


                     =11   read in user defined cloud extinction and absorption

                           can only be used with IAERSL = 7


                     =18   Standard Cirrus Model

                     =19   Sub-visual Cirrus Model

                     =20   NOAA Cirrus model (LOWTRAN 6 Model)




 RECORD 4.1 (Continued)



 IVSA determines the use of the Army Vertical Structure Algorithm

     for aerosols in the boundary layer.


     IVSA           = 0   not used

                    = 1   vertical structure algorithm



     VIS            =     meterological range (km) (when specified, supersedes

                          default value set by IHAZE)


     WSS            =     current wind speed (m/s)            only with (IHAZE=3, or IHAZE=10)


     WHH            =     24 hour average wind speed (m/s)    only with (IHAZE=3)


                          *** Note: For the Navy Maritime Model (IHAZE=3), if WSS=WHH=0.0,

                                    default wind speeds are set as follows:


                                                                                 WSS and WHH

                                    MODEL           Model Atmosphere        Default Wind Speed (m/s)


                                      0             User-Defined (Horiz Path)        6.9

                                      1             Tropical                         4.1

                                      2             Midlatitude Summer               4.1

                                      3             Midlatitude Winter              10.29

                                      4             Subarctic Summer                 6.69

                                      5             Subarctic Winter                12.35

                                      6             U.S. Standard                    7.2

                                      7             User-Defined                     6.9


                                    For the DESERT aerosol model (IHAZE=10), if WSS<0, the

                                    default wind speed is 10.0 m/s.


     RAINRT         =     rain rate (mm/hr)        Default value is zero.

                          Used to top of cloud when cloud is present, when no clouds, rain rate used to 6 km.


     GNDALT         =     altitude of surface relative to sea level (km)

                          used to modify aerosol profiles below 6 km altitude










 Optional input records after Record 4.1

 Selected by parameters ICLD, IVSA, and IHAZE on Record 4.1




 RECORD 4.2   CTHIK,CALT,CEXT,ISEED               (if ICLD = 18, 19, or 20)


                 FORMAT (3F10.3,I10)


               Input record for cirrus altitude profile

               subroutine when ICLD = 18, 19, or 20


     CTHIK     =   cirrus thickness (km)

                   0 use thickness statistics

                   > 0 user defined thickness


     CALT      =   cirrus base altitude (km)

                   0 use calculated value

                   > 0 user defined base altitude


     CEXT      =   extinction coefficient (km-1) at 0.55 microns

                   0 use 0.14*CTHIK

                   > 0 user defined extinction coefficient


     ISEED     =   random number initialization flag

                   0 use default mean values for cirrus

                   > 0 initial value of SEED for RANDM function

                       (option not implemented in current version)




 RECORD 4.3   ZCVSA, ZTVSA, ZINVSA                (if IVSA = 1)


                 FORMAT (3F10.3)


               Input record for Army vertical structure

               algorithm subroutine when IVSA = 1


     ZCVSA     =   cloud ceiling height (km)


               ZCVSA > 0  known cloud ceiling

               ZCVSA = 0  unknown cloud ceiling height

                          program calculates cloud height (default = 1.8 km)

               ZCVSA < 0  no cloud ceiling


     ZTVSA     =   thickness of cloud or fog (km)

                        = 0    defaults to 0.2 km


     ZINVSA    =   height of the inversion layer (km)

                        = 0   defaults to 2 km (0.2 km for fog)

                        < 0   no inversion layer








 RECORD 4.4   ML,TITLE                         (if IAERSL = 7)


                 FORMAT (I5,18A4)


           Additional aerosol profile


          ML        =  number of aerosol profiles levels to be inserted  (maximum of 34)


          TITLE     =  identification of new model aerosol profile



 ** Note: RECORD 4.5 is repeated ML times **


 RECORD 4.5                                     (if IAERSL = 7)




                       FORMAT (4F10.3,5I5)


          ZMDL      =  Altitude of layer boundary (km)


          AHAZE     =  aerosol visible extinction coef (km-1) at altitude ZMDL


          EQLWCZ    =  equivalent liquid water content (gm m-3) at alt ZMDL for the aerosol, cloud or fog models


     **** either AHAZE or EQLWCZ is allowed ****


          RRATZ     =  rain rate (mm/hr) at altitude ZMDL


          IHA1      =  aerosol model used for spectral dependence of extinction


          IVUL1     =  stratospheric aerosol model used for spectral dependence of extinction at altitude ZMDL


          ICLD1     =  cloud model to be used for spectral dependence of extinction at altitude Z


     **** only one of IHA1, ICLD1 or IVUL1 is allowed ****

          IHA1.NE.0 others ignored

          IHA1.EQ.0 and ICLD1.NE.0 use ICLD1


     **** if AHAZE and EQLWCZ are both zero, default profile loaded ****

          according to IHAZ1,ICLD1,IVUL1


          ISEA1     =  aerosol season control for the altitude ZMDL

                       (only used with IHA1 or IVUL1.NE.0)


          ICHR1     =  indicates a boundary change between two or more adjacent user defined aerosol or cloud

                       regions at altitude ZMDL  (required for IHAZE=7 or ICLD=11)


                       ** Note: defaults to 0 for or **


                       = 0  no boundary change


                       = 1  signifies boundary change





 RECORDS 4.6.1 - 4.6.3 read in the user defined cloud extinction and absorption

                          (IHAZE = 7 or ICLD = 11)



 RECORD 4.6.1




            FORMAT (4I5)


          IREG      =  specifies which of the four altitude regions a user defined

                       aerosol or cloud model will use


                       ** Note: regions default to    1)   0 -   2 km

                                                      2)   3 -  10 km

                                                      3)  11 -  30 km

                                                      4)  35 - 100 km

                                but can be overridden with 'IHA1' settings on Record 4.5  (IAERSL=7)


     *****  The following records (4.6.2 - 4.6.3) are repeated N times where N has the following value:   *****

     *****                                                                                                *****

     *****                      N = IREG(1) + IREG(2) + IREG(3) + IREG(4)                                 *****

     *****                                                                                                *****


 RECORD 4.6.2




            FORMAT (E10.3,18A4)


          AWCCON(N) =  conversion factor from equivalent liquid water content (gm/m3)

                       to extinction coefficient (km-1).  It is numerically equal to

                       the equivalent liquid water content corresponding to an extinction

                       coefficient of 1.0 km-1, at a wavelength of 0.55 microns.

                       AWCCON has units of (km-gm/m3)


          TITLE(N)  =  for an aerosol or cloud region (up to 72 characters)


 RECORD 4.6.3




                FORMAT (3(F6.2,2F7.5,F6.4))


                *** Note: there are 16 records per region


          VX(I)     =  wavelength of aerosol coefficient

                       (not used by program but must be the wavelengths

                        defined in array VX2 in subroutine EXTDTA)


      EXTC(N,I)     =  aerosol extinction coefficient, normalized so that EXTC

                       for a wavelength of 0.55 microns (I=4) is 1.0 km-1.


      ABSC(N,I)     =  aerosol absorption coefficient, normalized so that EXTC

                       for a wavelength of 0.55 microns (I=4) is 1.0 km-1.


      ASYM(N,I)     =  aerosol asymmetry factor





              LASER (ILAS > 2)



 RECORD 5.1 ... 5.N








            VLAS  laser wavenumber value  (cm-1)

                  (negative value terminates multiple LASER option)









                                SCNMRG     ( for scanned sequential results; IMRG between 13 and 18; 35-36 )







     HWHM,     V1,     V2,  JEMIT,    JFN,   JVAR,  SAMPL,       NNFILE,   NPTS


     1-10,  11-20,  21-30,  34-35,  39-40,  44-45,  46-55,        71-75,  76-80


     10.3,  F10.3,  F10.3,  3X,I2,  3X,I2,  3X,I2,  F10.4,   15X,    I5,     I5



          HWHM   (Half Width Half Maximum)


                  Note: HWHM is first zero crossing of periodic functions for JFN < 0.

                        HWHM is redefined as  HWHM=(FIRST ZERO)/(PI/SCALE)


            V1    beginning wavenumber value for performing SCAN


            V2    ending wavenumber value for performing SCAN


         JEMIT      =  0  SCAN convolved with transmission


                    =  1  SCAN convolved with radiance


           JFN    selects choice of scanning function


                      JFN    Function        Half-width Bound      Default Sample

                      ---    --------        ----------------      --------------

                    =  0     rectangular           1.0                  0.5


                    =  1     triangular            2.0                  2.0


                    =  2     gaussian              4.0                  4.0


                    =  3     sinc squared         54.1826               4.0


                    =  4     sinc                119.332818             4.0


                          Note: For each function BOUND = HWHM*(Half-width Bound).  BOUND represents the overlap

                                required before V1 and after V2 in the monochromatic calculation in order to obtain

                                a correct result from the scanning function.  ( see Record 1.3 )


                          Note: If JFN < 0, HWHM contains the value for the first zero crossing of periodic function.



          JVAR    flag for variable HWHM


                    =  0  no variation


                    =  1  HWHM(vi) = HWHM(v1) * (vi / v1)



                                           SCNMRG (Continued)

 RECORD 6  (Continued)



         SAMPL    number of sample points per half width


                    =  0  gives default value for each function


                    <  0  this variable specifies the output spectral spacing (DELVO cm-1)

                          The value of SAMPL is calculated internally as SAMPL = HWHM/DELVO



        NNFILE    unit number for scanned sequential output


                    defaults to NFILE (= 13) or previous value of NNFILE if doing multiple LBLRTM runs



          NPTS    number of values to be printed for the beginning and ending of each panel

                  for current scanned file


         ***** Note: if the DV of the data to be scanned is larger than DVINT = HWHM/12., *****

         *****       the data is first interpolated to DVINT before it is scanned.        *****

         *****       Four-point interpolation is used for this procedure.                 *****




 RECORD 6.1  (required for IMRG = 35, 36, 45, or 46; otherwise omit)










           DIRCOS     direction cosine of radiance computation for external calculation of fluxes

from Gaussian quadrature summation over one or more angles.

If radiances are to be used as inputs to RADSUM, the angles must match

one of the angle options in RADSUM. See example LBLRTM TAPE5 in the

RADSUM package.








                                  FLTMRG          ( for sequential results with filter; IMRG between 23 and 28 )







          V1F,     DVF,    NPTS,   JEMIT,   NNFILE,          HEDDR


         1-10,   11-20,   21-25,   26-30,    31-35,          46-80


        F10.3,   F10.4,      I5,      I5,       I5, 10X,    8A4,A3



              V1F     wavenumber of initial filter value


              DVF     wavenumber increment between filter values


             NPTS     number of filter values


                      (if NPTS.LT.0, previous values of XF utilized)


            JEMIT      =  0  transmittance integrated over filter function


                       =  1  radiance integrated over filter function


           NNFILE    unit number for filtered sequential intermediate output


                         defaults to NFILE (= 13) or previous value of NNFILE if doing multiple LBLRTM runs


            HEDDR    35 characters of user identification













              IVAR is format specification for reading filter values, XF



     . . .

     . . .

     . . .



              XF      format specification given by record 7.2


              XF      NPTS values of FILTRFN






                                      (ISCAN = 1)





     HWHM,     V1,     V2,  JEMIT,    JFN,   JVAR,  SAMPL,  IUNIT,  IFILST, NIFILS, JUNIT,  NPTS,  param


     1-10,  11-20,  21-30,  34-35,  39-40,  44-45,  46-55,  59-60,  64-65,   69-70, 74-75, 76-80, 81-90


    F10.3,  F10.3,  F10.3,  3X,I2,  3X,I2,  3X,I2,  F10.4,  3X,I2,  3X,I2,   3X,I2, 3X,I2,    I5, f10.5



          HWHM    (Half Width Half Maximum)


                    negative value terminates SCANFN option


                  Notes: 1. HWHM is first zero crossing of periodic functions for JFN < 0.

                            HWHM is redefined as  HWHM=(FIRST ZERO)/(PI/SCALE)

                       2. HWHM is instrument field of view half angle (in degrees) for JFN=5,6

                            (e.g., for FOV of 10.0 degrees, HWHM=5.0)



            V1    beginning wavenumber value for performing SCAN


            V2    ending wavenumber value for performing SCAN


         JEMIT      = -1  SCANFN convolved with absorption (1.0 - transmission)


                    =  0  SCANFN convolved with transmission


                    =  1  SCANFN convolved with radiance


           JFN    selects choice of scanning function


                      JFN    Function                HWHM         Default HWHM Bound     Default Sample

                      ---    --------               ------        ------------------     --------------

                    =  0     rectangular                                1.0                  0.5


                    =  1     triangular                                 2.0                  2.0


                    =  2     gaussian               param               4.0                  4.0


                    =  3     sinc squared                              54.1826               4.0


                    =  4     sinc                                     119.332818             4.0


                    =  5     FOV correction                             1.0                  0.5

                             (uses center of box)


                    =  6     FOV correction                             1.0                  0.5

                             (uses left edge of box)



                              SCANFN (Continued)

 RECORD 8.1  (Continued)



                          Notes: 1. For each function BOUND = HWHM*(Half-width Bound).  BOUND represents the overlap

                                    required before V1 and after V2 in the monochromatic calculation. (Record 1.3)


                                 2. If JFN < 0, HWHM contains the value for the first zero crossing of periodic function.


                                 3. JFN cannot hold the values of -5 or -6.


                                 4. JFN = 5,6 cannot be used with IMRG = 13-18,35,36 on Record 1.2.



          JVAR    flag for variable HWHM


                    =  0  no variation


                    =  1  HWHM(vi) = HWHM(v1) * (vi / v1)


         SAMPL    number of sample points output per half width


                    =  0  gives default value for each function


                    <  0  this variable specifies the output spectral spacing (DELVO cm-1)

                          The value of SAMPL is calculated internally as SAMPL = HWHM/DELVO


                         Note: SAMPL must be < 0 and carry the value of the output spectral spacing for JFN=5,6.


         IUNIT    unit designation of file to be scanned (default is MFILE)


        IFILST    initial file from IUNIT to be scanned


        NIFILS    number of files to be scanned starting at IFILST


         JUNIT    file containing scanned results (default is JUNIT, file 11)


          NPTS    number of values to be printed for the beginning and ending of each panel for current scanned file

         param    additional parameter for selected functions, e.g. HWHM for JFN=2


         ***** Note: if the DV of the data to be scanned is larger than DVINT = HWHM/12., *****

         *****       the data is first interpolated to DVINT before it is scanned.        *****

         *****       Interpolated data is written to named file 'SCNINTF'.                *****

         *****       Four-point interpolation is used for this procedure.                 *****




              A '-1.' within columns 1-10 will terminate scanning.







                                      (ISCAN = 2)





      DVO,     V1,     V2,  JEMIT,   I4PT,   IUNIT,  IFILST, NIFILS, JUNIT,  NPTS


     1-10,  11-20,  21-30,  31-35,  36-40,   56-60,  61-65,   66-70, 71-75, 76-80


    F10.3,  F10.3,  F10.3,     I5      I5,  15X,I5,     I5,      I5,    I5,    I5



           DVO    wavenumber spacing for interpolated result


                    negative value terminates INTRPL option


            V1    beginning wavenumber value for performing INTRPL


            V2    ending wavenumber value for performing INTRPL



                    = -1  interpolation of absorption (1 - transmission)


                    =  0  interpolation of transmission


                    =  1  interpolation of radiance



                    =  0  linear interpolation of data points


                    =  1  four-point interpolation of data points


         IUNIT    unit designation of file to be interpolated (default is MFILE)


        IFILST    initial file from IUNIT to be interpolated


        NIFILS    number of files to be interpolated starting at IFILST


         JUNIT    file containing interpolated results (default is JUNIT, file 11)


          NPTS    number of values to be printed for the beginning and ending of each panel

                  for current interpolated file





              A '-1.' within columns 1-10 will terminate interpolation.








                                      (ISCAN = 3)


 RECORD 10.1





   1-10, 11-20, 21-30,  31-35,  36-40,  41-45,  46-55,  56-60,  61-65,  66-70,  71-75,  76-78,  79-80


  F10.3, F10.3, F10.3,     I5,     I5,     I5,  F10.3,     I5,     I5,     I5,     I5,     I3,     I2



          HWHM    (Half Width Half Maximum)


                    negative value terminates FFTSCN option


                  Note: HWHM is the maximum optical path difference of an

                      equivalent interferometer for JFNin < 0.


            V1    beginning wavenumber value for performing FFTSCN


            V2    ending wavenumber value for performing FFTSCN


         JEMIT      =  0  convolve with transmittance


                    =  1  convolve with radiance




                              FFTSCN (Continued)

 RECORD 10.1  (Continued)



         JFNin    selects choice of scanning function




                    JFNin    Scanning Function          Apodization Function       a/HWHM    a/FZ     CR       

                    -----    -----------------          --------------------       ------    ----     --

                    =  0     boxcar


                    =  1     1-v/a, |v|<a               (sin(pi*x*a)/pi*x*a))**2   2.0       1.0      40

                              0, |v|>a                 (sinc squared)



                    =  2     exp(-0.5*(v/a)**2)         exp(-2*pi*(a*x)**2)        0.849322  (NA)     10

                               (gauss)                    (gauss)


                    =  3     (sin(pi*x*a)/pi*x*a))**2   1-x*a, |x|=<1/a            2.257609  1.0      40

                               (sinc squared)               0, |x|>1/a



                    =  4     sin(u)/u                   1, |x|=<1/a                3.314800  2.0      160

                               (sinc)                   0, |x|>1/a



                    =  5     J(5/2,u)/(u**(5/2))        (1-(x*a)**2)**2            2.100669  0.91728  20



                    =  6     sinc(u)+c1*(sinc(u+pi)+    (1+2*c1*cos(pi*x*a))/      2.195676  1.0      20

                               sinc(u-pi))                (1+2*c1)



                    =  7     sinc(u)+0.5*(sinc(u+pi)+   (1+cos(pi*x*a))/2          2.0       1.0      20




                      NORTON-BEER FUNCTIONS:



                                                    from i=0 to 4, for

                                                    0 =< x =< 1/a


                                                  0 for x > 1/a


                  =  8      weak                  Ci = 0.384093,-0.087577,   2.57027        40

                                                      0.703484, 0., 0.


                  =  9      moderate              Ci = 0.152442,-0.136176,   2.36771        40

                                                      0.983734, 0., 0.


                  =  10     strong                Ci = 0.045335, 0.,       2.07176          20




                              FFTSCN (Continued)

 RECORD 10.1  (Continued)




                         -  v  = frequency (cm-1)

                         -  x  = optical path difference (cm)

                         -  u  = (2*pi*v)/a

                         -  u' = pi*(x*a-p)/(1-p)

                         -  a  = 1/L, where L is the maximum optical path difference of an equivalent interferometer.

                                 "a" determines the resolution, or the width of the scanning function.

                         -  FZ = distance from the center of the scanning function to the first zero.

                         -  CR = critical value for the ratio of the extent of the spectrum (v2-v1) and the HWHM.

                                 When the ratio is less than CR, the apodization function is calculated as the FFT

                                 of the scanning function.  When the ratio is greater than CR, the apodization

                                 function is calculated analytically.

                         -  J(5/2,u)/(u**(5/2)) = ((3-u**2)*sin(u)-3*u*cos(u))/u**5, where J(n,u) is the Bessel

                                 function of order n.

                         -  Io = modified Bessel function of the first kind, order 0.

                         -  c1 = 0.428752




                    Notes:   1.  If JFNin < 0, HWHM contains the value for the maximum optical path difference of an

                                equivalent interferometer, apodized to give the scanning function given by |JFNin|.


                             2.  The Brault and Kaiser-Bessel functions depend upon the parameter p.  The values of

                                a/HWHM and a/FZ for these functions also depend upon p.



                              FFTSCN (Continued)

 RECORD 10.1  (Continued)




        MRATin    ratio of HWHM of the scanning function to the halfwidth of the boxcar; for prescanning with a

                    boxcar (default = 12.).  If MRATin < 0., no boxcaring is performed.


         DVOUT    output grid spacing.  The scanned spectral file is interpolated onto the grid defined by V1, V2, and DVOUT.


         IUNIT    unit designation of file to be scanned (default is 12)


        IFILST    initial file from IUNIT to be scanned


        NIFILS    number of files to be scanned starting at IFILST


         JUNIT    file containing scanned results (default is 11)


           IVX    (-1,0,1) flag for calculation of scanning function


                     = -1 scanning function is calculated as the FFT of the apodization function

                     =  0 program determines how to calculate the scanning function, using CR

                     =  1 scanning function is calculated analytically


         NOFIX    flag for deconvolution (used when prescanning with a boxcar)


                     = 0 deconvolve the scanned spectrum with the boxcar

                     = nonzero, do not deconvolve with the boxcar


 RECORD 10.2    (required if ABS(JFNin) > 10; otherwise omit)



   PARM1,   PARM2,   PARM3


    1-10,   11-20,   21-30


   F10.4,   F10.4,   F10.4



            PARM1            For JFNin = 11, value of p, where (0 < p < 1)

                      For JFNin = 12, value of p, where (2 < p < 4)

                      For JFNin = 13, value of v_offset


            PARM2     For JFNin = 13, value of c1


            PARM3     For JFNin = 13, value of c2






 REPEAT RECORDS 10.1, 10.2


              A '-1.' within columns 1-10 will terminate FFT scanning.






                                    (IFILTR = 1)


 RECORD 11.1





    1-10,   11-20,   21-25,   26-30,  31-35,   36-40,   41-45,   46-50,  51-85


   F10.3,   F10.4,      I5,      I5,     I5,      I5,      I5,      I5, 8A4,A3



              V1F     wavenumber of initial filter value


                        negative value terminates the FLTRFN option


              DVF     wavenumber increment between filter values


                        negative value indicates V1F value is center wavenumber of filter function

                        (NOTE: requires NPTS to be an odd number)


             NPTS     number of filter values

                      (if NPTS.LT.0, previous values of XF utilized)


             JEMIT      = -1 absorption integrated over filter function


                        =  0 transmittance integrated over filter function


                        =  1 radiance integrated over filter function


             IUNIT    file designation for integration


             IFILST   initial file to be integrated


             NIFILS   number of files to be integrated starting at IFILST


             JUNIT    file designation for output file (named "FLT_OUT")


             HEDDR    35 characters of user identification




                                   FLTRFN (Continued)



 RECORD 11.2









              IVAR is format specification for reading filter values, XF




                                   FLTRFN (Continued)




 RECORD 11.3

      . . .

      . . .

      . . .



              XF      format specification given by record 11.2


              XF      NPTS values of FILTRFN




              A '-1.' within columns 1-10 will terminate FLTRFN.





 RECORD 12.1


           CPRGID,     CEX


             1-60,   79-80


              A60, 18X, A2




           CPRGID      identifying header for plot files


           CEX         parameter to indicate external file name to be provided by user 


                       value of 'EX' indicates external file names to be supplied








 ****************        Use Records 12.2A and 12.3A for PLOT (IOPT = 0,1)         ******************

 ****************   Use Record 12.2B for File Difference or Ratio (IOPT = 2,3)     ******************




 RECORD 12.2A    (IOPT = 0,1)





          1-10, 11-20,  21-30,  31-40,    45,    50,    55,    60, 61-70,   72,  75,    80


         F10.4, F10.4,  F10.4,  F10.4,    I5,    I5,    I5,    I5, F10.3,   I2,  I3,    I5



                V1      initial wavenumber of the plot,


                          negative value terminates the PLTLBL option


                V2      the final wavenumber of the plot


                XSIZE   number of inches of the X-axis.


                DELV    number of wavenumbers (cm - 1) per major division.



                       *  IOPT ne 1   

                             NUMSBX controls the number of subdivisions per major division of x-axis.

                             NUMSBX = 1 gives no  tic-marks per major division

                                    = 2 gives one tic-mark per major division


                       *  IOPT eq 1   

                             NUMSBX controls the use of symbols for overlayed plots

                             NUMSBX = 0  produces a line plot without symbols

                                    > 0  produces a line plot with symbols at every NUMSBX point

                                    < 0  produces a point plot with a symbol at every NUMSBX point



                        *  IOPT =0,2,3

                             NOENDX controls the numbers at either end of the x-axis

                             NENDX = 0 includes the numbers at both ends of the axis

                                     1 suppresses the numbers at either end of the axis

                                     2 suppresses the beginning number

                                     3 suppresses the ending number


                        *  IOPT eq 1

                              NOENDX selects the symbol to be used on the overlayed plot. 

                              For a list of symbols see the applicable NCAR plotter information.



                              PLTLBL (Continued)

 RECORD 12.2A  (Continued)


                LFILE   tape number of file to be read from LBLRTM.


                LSKIPF  number of files to be skipped in tape LFILE

                        number of file to be plotted will be LSKIPF + 1

                        for plotting MFILE (TAPE12) LSKIPF = 0


                SCALE   enables one to enlarge or reduce a plot.


                IOPT    = 0  for plot, USE instructions for records 12.2A and 12.3A

                        = 1  for overlay plot, USE instructions for records 12.2A and 12.3A

                              *  will suppress the plotting of the header and axes,

                              *  and will overlay the line on the previous plot axes.

                              *  See also NUMSBX, NOENDX and YMIN.

                        = 2  for file difference, USE instructions for record 12.2B instead of 12.2A

                        = 3  for file ratio, USE instructions for record 12.2B instead of 12.2A


                I4P     = 0  for linear connection of points,

                        = 1  for four point interpolation


                IXDEC   number of figures after decimal point on x-axis




 RECORD 12.2.1A     (IOPT = 0,1; CEX = 'EX')








            CFILEN(1) is the external name of the data file to be plotted or used for the overlay data (i.e. LFILE)





                              PLTLBL (Continued)


 RECORD 12.3A     (IOPT = 0,1)





            1-10,  11-20,  21-30,  31-40,    45,    50,   55,    60,    65,    70,   72,    77,    80


           G10.4,  G10.4,  F10.3,  F10.3,    I5,    I5,   I5,    I5,    I5,    I5,   I2,3X, I2,    I3



            YMIN is Y value at bottom of Y-axis.


                    *  IOPT = 1 will cause YMIN to determine the vertical offset (in Y)

                    *  for the overlayed plot.  YMIN is in the units of the previous plot

                    *  axes and any offset is applied with respect to the previously

                    *  defined axes.  (i.e. YMIN = 10. will offset the new plot 10. units up)


            YMAX is Y value at top of Y-axis.


                   (if log plot selected, YMIN and YMAX are the exponent values at the bottom and top of the plot).


            YSIZE is the number of inches for the y-axis.


            DELY is the number of y units per major division (= 1. when log plot is selected).


            NUMSBY is the number of subdivisions per major division of y-axis.


            NOENDY controls the plotting of the values at either end of y-axis (= 1 supresses plotting).


            IDEC is number of figures after decimal point on linear y-axis.


            JEMIT   = 0  for transmission,

                    = 1  for radiance.


            JPLOT   = 0  plots transmission for JEMIT = 0

                    = 1  plots optical depth for JEMIT = 0

                    = 2  plots attenuation in decibels for JEMIT = 0


                    = 0  plots radiance in watts/(cm^2 sr cm^-1) for JEMIT = 1

                         (if YMIN and YMAX.GT.1, these values are interpreted as

                         brightness temperatures from which minimum and maximum

                         values of radiance are assigned).


                    = 1  plots radiance in equivalent brightness temperature for JEMIT = 1


           LOGPLT   = 0  for linear y-axis,

                    = 1  for log y-axis.


            JHDR    = 0  for plot of header data

                    = 1  for suppression of header data plot


                              PLTLBL (Continued)


 RECORD 12.3A (Continued)



            JOUT    = 0  for plot to system plotfile/screen

                    = 1  for plot values written to JPLTFL (unformatted)

                    = 2  for plot to system plotfile/screen

                         and plot values written to JPLTFL (unformatted)

                    = 3  for plot values written to JPLTFL (formatted)

                    = 4  for plot to system plotfile/screen

                         and plot values written to JPLTFL (formatted)


                         Note: For JOUT=3 & 4 the program writes out a description of the header

                               followed by both the frequency and data arrays.  Format is below.

                                               FORMAT (3X,1P,E15.8,4X,E15.8)


          JPLTFL         file to which plot values are written for JOUT .gt. 0  (default = 29)


                         the structure of JPLTFL (unformatted) is standard LBLRTM file structure (see Table III),

                         plot values are written out in SUBROUTINE FSCLIN





              A '-1.' within columns 1-10 will terminate plotting.



                              PLTLBL (Continued)



 ****************************** USE RECORD 12.2B FOR IOPT > 1 **************************************




 RECORD 12.2B   (IOPT = 2,3)





          1-10, 11-20,     45,    50,    55,    60,     72,    80


         F10.4, F10.4, 20X,I5,    I5,    I5,    I5, 10X,I2, 3X,I5



                V1      initial wavenumber of the difference or ratio,


                          negative value terminates the PLTLBL option


                V2      the final wavenumber of the difference or ratio


                JFILE   tape number of file to be read from LBLRTM (no default)


                JSKIPF  number of files to be skipped in tape JFILE

                        number of file to be used will be JSKIPF + 1


                LFILE   tape number of file to be read from LBLRTM  (no default)


                LSKIPF  number of files to be skipped in tape LFILE

                        number of file to be used will be LSKIPF + 1


                IOPT    = 0  for plot, USE Records 12.2A and 12.3A

                        = 1  for overlay plot, USE Records 12.2A and 12.3A

                        = 2  for file difference (JFILE-LFILE)

                        = 3  for file ratio (JFILE/LFILE)


                MFILE   tape number of file for difference/ratio output (no default)



   Subroutine FILOPT will difference or ratio two LBLRTM output files.

   Files must be    1) UNFORMATTED LBLRTM files

                    2) Single quantity files

                       i.e. contain only ONE of the following:

                                a) Optical Depths

                                b) Transmittance

                                c) Radiance

                                e) Temperature

                    3) The difference in DV and V1 between the files must be less than 1.E-8


               *** NOTE: Standard LBLRTM output files usually

                         contain BOTH Transmittance and Radiance.

                         The user must create either scanned or

                         plot files for use as input to this routine.





     (IOPT = 2,3; CEX = 'EX')



 RECORD 12.2.1B








            CFILEN(1) is the external name for the data file associated with JFILE.


 RECORD 12.2.2B








            CFILEN(2) is the external name for the data file associated with LFILE.


 RECORD 12.2.3B








            CFILEN(3) is the external name for the data file associated with the difference/ratio file, MFILE.






              A '-1.' within columns 1-10 will terminate plotting.



 TABLE III. Structure of file JPLTFL (standard LBLRTM structure).





                                            TABLE III




    record 1   /PLTHDR/        XID(10),SEC,P0,T0,HMOL(64),W(64),WBROAD,DVT,V1V,

                               V2V,TBOUND,EMISIV,FSCDID(17),NMOL,NLAYER,  YID1,YID(10)




    record 2   /JPLTFL/        V1P,V2P,DVP,NLIM


    record 3                   NLIM values of Y from V1P  to V2P with increment DVP


    ----------   repeats records 2 and 3 until all Y values written  ---------



    record 4                   LBLRTM endfile



    --------------- repeats for each plot request  -------------------------------








      1.  for machines with 32 bit words the following variables may have been set to double precision:






      2.  fftscn.f has parameters that are hardware dependent.  Before compiling, check to make sure

           the appropriate statements are uncommented.



      3.  the placement of the decimal point in the input supercedes that of a given format.



      4.  if WKL(M,L) or XAMNT(I,L) is greater than one, then column density is assumed for that value

           of M or I and L; if either is less than one, then mixing ratio is assumed for that value of M

           or I and L.  This allows for combining density and mixing ratio information in the input.



      5.  the character '%' signals the end of TAPE5 and terminates LBLRTM.







If the NLTE (IHIRAC = 4) option is selected a separate file (TAPE4) must be created.

The following instructions describe the contents of a TAPE4 file.


Note : TAPE4 permits selection of vibrational states; only the states listed in Table IV

are allowed at present, with up to 9 isotopologues for each state.


              Table IV



Molecule      State             Energy     Degeneracies

--------        -----        -----(cm-1)-----   ------------


   H2O        000                0.             1                  

   ---        010             1594.750          1              

              020             3151.630        1

              100             3657.053        1

              001             3755.930        1

              030             4666.793        1

              110             5234.977        1

              011             5333.269          1                 



   ---        00001               0.           1

              01101             667.380        2

              10002                   1285.409        1

              02201                   1335.132        2

              10001                   1388.185        1

              11102                   1932.470        2

              03301                   2003.246        2

              11101                   2076.856        2

              00011                   2349.143        1

              20003               2548.366          1                                              

              12202               2585.022          2                                              

              20002               2671.143          1                                              

              04401               2671.717          2                                              

              12201               2760.725          2                                               

              20001               2797.135          1                                              

              01111               3004.012          2                                              

              10012               3612.842          1                                               

              02211               3659.273          2                                               

              10011               3714.783          1                                                

              11112               4247.706          2                                               

              03311               4314.914          2                                               

              11111               4390.629          2                                               

              20013               4853.623          1                                               

              04411               4970.931          1                                                

              20012               4977.834          1                                               

              20011               5099.660          1                                               



   --           000                  0.             1                                                  

                010                700.931          1                                                   

                001               1042.084          1                                                  

                100               1103.140          1                                                  

                020               1399.275          1                                                  

                011               1726.528          1                                                  

                110               1796.261          1                                                  

                002               2057.892          1                                                  

                101               2110.785          1                                                  

                200               2201.157          1                                                  

                111               2785.245          1                                                   

                003               3041.200          1                                                  

                004               3988.             1                                                   

                005               4910.             1                                                   

                006               5803.             1                                                   

                007               6665.             1                                                    

                008               7497.             1                                                   

                009               8299.             1                                                    



   --             0                  0.       1                                                    

                  1               2143.272          1                                          

                  2               4260.063          1                                         



   --             0                  0.             1                                                     

                  1               1878.077          1                                                   

                  2               3724.067          1                                                    












              TIT:   80 characters of user indentification


REPEAT TAPE4-RECORD 1.1 up to 20 times.





       IVIB,  MOLNEQ


           5,       10


          I5      I5


              IVIB:  (0,1) selects input for vibrational data:


                           = 1 (vibrational temperatures (K))


                         = 0 (population)


              MOLNEQ:  place holder for future input



******  these records applicable only if IVIB eq 1 ***









TEXTLINE:  character string beginning with two or more hyphens ‘-‘and including the molecule name directly after the hyphens and optional spaces.  The word ‘VIBRATIONAL’ should be included with the molecule name for vibrational data.  Example record:







Free Format


NUMSTATE:  numerical index corresponding to the AFGL mapping for the vibrational state

ISOSTATE:  isotopologue number of the vibrational state

IDSTATE:  state identifier enclosed in single quotes

EESTATE:  energy level (cm^-1) of the state

NDGSTATE:  number of degeneracies of the state


Example records for H2O:


1   1  ‘000’     0.     1

2   1  ‘010’  1594.750  1

3   1  ‘020’  3151.630  1

4   1  ‘100’  3657.053  1

5   1  ‘001’  3755.930  1

6   1  ‘030’  4666.793  1

7   1  ‘110’  5234.977  1

8   1  ‘011’  5333.269  1







TEXTLINE:  character string beginning with one or more hypens ‘-‘and including the molecule name directly after the hyphens and optional spaces.  Example record:






ALT, TMP(1), TMP(2:N)

Free Format


ALT: altitude (km)

TMP(1): kinetic temperature (K) for this altitude

TMP(2:N):  two state vibrational temperature (K) with respect to the ground state for the N vibrational modes listed in Record 2.2.  These values should be set to zero if the mode is not desired.  Example records for H2O:


   7.    243.200 243.203 243.200 243.205 243.214




7.        243.200  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0.  0.


Repeat records 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 for each non-LTE molecules (H2O, CO2, O3, CO, and NO) desired.  All molecules need not be input. 







TEXTLINE:  character string beginning with one or more hypens ‘-‘and including the string “END OF DATA’ directly after the hyphens and optional spaces.  Example record:






