GOKURAKU dcpam5-plane


This document is tutorial for performing experiments easily with dcpam5-plane.

As an aside, "GOKURAKU" means "easiest".

Building dcpam5

Build dcpam5-plane referring to dcpam5-plane Installation Guide. Work until "Compile source code" in "How to build".

After building, executable files dcpam_main, init_data, sst_data are created under "src/main" directory. Some NAMELIST files (with suffix ".nml") are prepared in in "src/sample_nml" directory.

$ ls src/sample_nml

Baroclinic wave experiment by Polvani et al. (2004)

A method to perform a baroclinic wave experiment by Polvani et al. (2004) is described.


This experiment does not require additional data, such as SST data. Thus, the experiment is performed with the following 3 steps:

Create initial data file

Create initial data file "init_P42Q42L20.nc" using "init_data" and "init_data_p04_P42Q42L20.conf"

$ ./init_data -N=init_data_p04_P42Q42L20.conf
*** MESSAGE [initial_data] ***  ----- Initialization Messages -----
*** MESSAGE [initial_data] ***    Pattern = polvani et al. (2004)
*** MESSAGE [initial_data] ***    TempAvr = 0.
*** MESSAGE [initial_data] ***    PsAvr   =
*** 100000.0000000000000000000000000000000001
*** MESSAGE [initial_data] ***    QVapAvr = 0.
*** MESSAGE [initial_data] ***    Ueq     = 0.
*** MESSAGE [initial_data] ***
*** MESSAGE [initial_data] ***  -- version = $Name:  $$Id:
*** initial_data.f90,v 1.9 2011-06-19 11:01:57 yot Exp $
*** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] ***  "init_P42Q42L20.nc" is closed

####### CPU TIME SUMMARY #### [rank=000000] ####
others                 0.151977E+00
       TOTAL TIME =    0.151977E+00

Run the experiment

Using an executable files 'dcpam_plane_main' and a NAMELIST file dcpam_p04_P42Q42L20.nml, execute 'dcpam_main' as follows. This program will be finished in few minutes - tens of minutes.

$ ./dcpam_main -N=dcpam_p04_P42Q42L20.nml | tee p04.log
########## PREDICTION OF CALCULATION ###########
Start Date             2014-07-04T07:12:24+09:00
Current Date           2014-07-04T07:13:19+09:00
Progress     12.40%  [***                      ]
Remaining CPU TIME      0.366000E+03 (6.10 minutes)
Completion Date        2014-07-04T07:19:25+09:00

########## PREDICTION OF CALCULATION ###########
Start Date             2014-07-04T07:12:24+09:00
Current Date           2014-07-04T07:14:11+09:00
Progress     24.89%  [******                   ]
Remaining CPU TIME      0.313000E+03 (5.22 minutes)
Completion Date        2014-07-04T07:19:24+09:00
########## PREDICTION OF CALCULATION ###########
Start Date             2014-07-04T07:12:24+09:00
Current Date           2014-07-04T07:19:26+09:00
Progress     99.83%  [************************ ]
Remaining CPU TIME      0.100000E+01
Completion Date        2014-07-04T07:19:27+09:00
*** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] ***  "rst.nc" is closed
*** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] ***  "U.nc" is closed
*** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] ***  "V.nc" is closed
*** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] ***  "Temp.nc" is closed
*** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] ***  "Ps.nc" is closed
*** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] ***  "QVap.nc" is closed
*** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] ***  "Vor.nc" is closed
*** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] ***  "Div.nc" is closed
*** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] ***  "SigDot.nc" is closed
*** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] ***  "Mass.nc" is closed
*** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] ***  "KinEngy.nc" is closed
*** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] ***  "IntEngy.nc" is closed
*** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] ***  "PotEngy.nc" is closed
*** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] ***  "LatEngy.nc" is closed
*** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] ***  "TotEngy.nc" is closed
*** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] ***  "Enstro.nc" is closed
############## CPU TIME SUMMARY ################
surface_properties     0.366471E-02
dynamics_hdfourier     0.403186E+03  (6.72 minutes)
mass_fixer             0.841738E+01
check_prog_vars        0.261569E+01
timefilter_asselin19   0.389625E+01
others                 0.187256E+01
       TOTAL TIME =    0.419991E+03  (7.00 minutes)

Preparation of analysis and visualization tools

"dcpam5-plane" input/output NetCDF data based on Gtool4 NetCDF Conventions

Analysis and visualization tools for NetCDF data are need in order to analyze and visualize results of numerical experiments. Here, Gphys provided from Dennou Ruby Project is used via irb. Details of usage can be found here.

Installation of tool

See Dennou Ruby Products Installation Guide.

Visualization with GPhys/gpcommands

Under construction