DCL:GRPH1:SCPACK: 3-D User Interface:List of Subroutines
SCPMZU(N,UPX,UPY,UPZ,ITYPE,INDEX,RSIZE) Draws a polymarker in UC SCPMZV(N,VPX,VPY,VPZ,ITYPE,INDEX,RSIZE) Draws a polymarker in VC SCPMU(N,UPX,UPY,UPZ) Draws a polymarker in UC SCPMV(N,VPX,VPY,VPZ) Draws a polymarker in VC SCSPMT(ITYPE) Changes a marker type SCSPMI(INDEX) Changes the line index for the markers SCSPMS(RSIZE) Changes the marker size
Other inquire routines for parameters are SCQPMT, SCQPMI, and SCQPMS.