/ GFD Dennou Club /
[English] [Japanese]
This page summarizes the information on the APE project and the aqua-planet AGCM experiments conducted in parallel by the members of GFD Dennou Club.
The Aqua-Planet Experiment Project
- Information on "APE", the coordinated Aqua-Planet Experiment Project, proposed by Neale and Hosikins (2000a)
Participating Groups
Archive of the Numerical Results
- Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan Vol.91A, (2013)
Special Issue on the Aqua-Planet Experiment Project (APE) and Related Researches
"Official" collection of figures : The APE-Atlas. (NCAR Technical Note)
Related Publications
- Experiments conducted with the specifications of the "APE" Project
- Other Experiments
- Reference
- Information about models of GFD Dennou Club
Numerical experiments with AGCM5 were performed
by using the supercomputer system (NEC SX series) at
Center for Global Environmental Research (CGER) of
National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)
Numerical experiments with AGU for APE were performed
at the Earth Simulator
the Earth Simulator Center (ESC) of
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC).
The work conducted in Japan was supported by following
KAKENHI Grants and
JSPS funding.

- The joint
GCOE program
of Kobe university and Hokkaido University,
"Foundation of International Center for Planetary Science" (
Center for Planetary Science
- Grat-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 21340139 "Representation of precipitation structures in different models based on the Aqua-Planet Experiment Project", 2009-2011.
- Grat-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 12440123 "Examination of tropical precipitation activity and general circulation by use of ensemble aqua-planet experiments", 2000-2002.
/ GFD Dennou Club /