"SL9PLT.PS.Z" is a compressed postscript version of a plot showing the 1994 path of the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e) projected on the star background from an Earth viewpoint. Using the latest data of the heliocentric osculating nucleus elements from Chodas and Yeomans (940530), the apparent orbital motion of the comet and the planet Jupiter, are jointly projected on a standard star atlas (GB Lacchini, Epoch 1900.0). In the computation we used a set of 28 different orbital elements selected from Q1=7a fragment in the Yeomans and P.W. Chodas tables. The numerical solution considers also the new set of orbital elements by Nakano valid for the Epoch 1994 June 17.0. The dynamical model used for the orbit computation includes perturbations due the main planets and a final reduction for precession to represent correctely on the above cited atlas the relative positions: comet/stars/Jupiter. The plotted stars in the Atlas include the 6.5 limiting magnitude, and so are useful for amateur abservations. 19940627 Stefano Sello Applied Mathematics Section Models and Systems Departement CISE - Innovative Technologies Milan - ITALY. e-mail: 284allse@alliant.cise.it