DCL:GRPH2:ULPACK : Logarithmic Coordinate Axis Routines: Explanation of Subroutines
Plots a logarithmic coordinate axis.
CSIDE (C*1) Specifies the position to plot the axis. (See Section 3.2.) NLBL (I) The number of labels in the range for a single order. Specify a number from 1 to 4. 1: Labels placed only on the 10n mark. 2: Labels placed the 10n and 2. 10n marks. 3: Labels placed on the 10n, 2. 10n, and 5. 10n marks. 4: Labels placed on marks specified by user. NTICKS (I) The number of tick marks in the range of one order. Specify within the range of 1≤NTICKS≤9. When a value smaller than 1 is specified, the ticks with smaller tick intervals are omitted first.
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