DclFitMapParm (UMPFIT) |
Set parameter of the conversion function of map projection appropriately. |
DclSetMapContactPoint (UMSCNT) |
Set "the nodal point" of projection face. |
DclSetCircleWindow (UMSCWD) |
Set window of a circle. |
DclSetMapPoint (UMSPNT) |
Set point that includes it to a map. |
DclDrawGlobe (UMPGLB) |
Draw boundary line (the relation) and latitude line, longitude line of a map. |
DclDrawGrid (UMPGRD) |
Draw latitude line/longitude line. |
DclDrawLimb (UMPLIM) |
Draw the boundary line (the relation) of a map. |
DclDrawMap (UMPMAP) |
Draw various kinds map information. |
*The corresponding f77 interface name in parentheses.