DCL:MISC£±:DATELIB : Handling of Dates *#
DATE12(IDATE,IY,ITD) | Converts Type-1 date into Type-2 date. |
DATE13(IDATE,IY,IM,ID) | Converts Type-1 date into Type-3 date. |
DATE21(IDATE,IY,ITD) | Converts Type-2 date into Type-1 date. |
DATE23(IY,IM,ID,ITD) | Converts Type-2 date into Type-3 date. |
DATE31(IDATE,IY,IM,ID) | Converts Type-3 date into Type-1 date. |
DATE32(IY,IM,ID,ITD) | Converts Type-3 date into Type-2 date. |
DATEF1(N,IDATE,NDATE) | Calculates date of the Nth day after IDATE (NDATE). |
DATEF2(N,IY,ITD,NY,NTD) | Calculates date of the Nth day after IY,ITD (NY,NTD). |
DATEF3(N,IY,IM,ID,NY,NM,ND) | Calculates date of the Nth day after IY,IM,ID (NY,NM,ND). |
DATEG1(N,IDATE,NDATE) | Calculates the number of days elapsed between IDATE and NDATE (N days). |
DATEG2(N,IY,ITD,NY,NTD) | Calculates the number of days elapsed between IY,ITD and NY,NTD (N days) |
DATEG3(N,IY,IM,ID,NY,NM,ND) | Calculates the number of days elapsed between IY,IM,ID and NY,NM,ND (N days). |
DATEQ1(IDATE) | Determined today's date in Type-1 date. |
DATEQ2(IY,ITD) | Determined today's date in Type-2 date. |
DATEQ3(IY,IM,ID) | Determined today's date in Type-3 date. |
DATEC1(CFORM,IDATE) | Expresses IDATE in a format following CFORM and returns it in CFORM. |
DATEC2(CFORM,IY,ITD) | Expresses IY,ITD in a format following CFORM and returns it in CFORM. |
DATEC3(CFORM,IY,IM,ID) | Expresses IY,IM,ID in a format following CFORM and returns it in CFORM. |
The key characters that can be used in CFORM are:
year 'Y', month 'M', day of month 'D', month represented by characters 'C',
and day of week 'W'.
For example, for IDATE=19920401 (which is a Wednesday),
CFORM='APR, 1,92 (WED)' will be returned by calling DATEC1 when CFORM='CCC,DD,YY (WWW)'
is specified.