Inquires/changes an internal variable used in the UMPACK subroutine package. (UMpSTX permits changes with a runtime option.)
Explanation of Parameters
CP (C*8) The name of an internal variable
IPARA (I,R,L) The value of an internal variable

The following is a list of names that cane be specified as CP.

'LGRIDMJ' (L) Specifies whether major lines will be drawn when UMPGRD draws latitudes and longitudes. Drawn when .TRUE.; not drawn when .FALSE.. (The initial value is .TRUE..) 
'LGRIDMN' (L) Specifies whether minor lines will be drawn when UMPGRD draws latitudes and longitudes. Drawn when .TRUE.; not drawn when .FALSE.. (The initial value is .TRUE..) 
'INDEXMJ' (I) The line index for the major lines of latitudes and longitudes drawn by UMPGRD. (The initial value is 3.)
'INDEXMN' (I) The line index for the minor lines of latitudes and longitudes drawn by UMPGRD. (The initial value is 1.)
'ITYPEMJ' (I) The line type for the major lines of latitudes and longitudes drawn by UMPGRD. (The initial value is 1.)
'ITYPEMN' (I) The line type for the minor lines of latitudes and longitudes drawn by UMPGRD. (The initial value is 3.)
'DGRIDMJ' (R) The interval between the major lines of latitudes and longitudes drawn by UMPGRD. (Units in degrees; The initial value is 30.0.)
'DGRIDMN' (R) The interval between the minor lines of latitudes and longitudes drawn by UMPGRD. (Units in degrees; The initial value is 10.0.)
'DGRPLMJ' (R) Specifies the angle between the pole and the beginning of the major line for the longitude drawn by UMPGRD. (Unit in degrees; The initial value is 0.0.)
'DGRPLMN' (R) Specifies the angle between the pole and the beginning of the major line for the longitude drawn by UMPGRD. (Unit in degrees; The initial value is 0.0.)
'INDEXBND' (I) The line index of the boundary line of the map drawn by UMPLIM. (The initial value is 3.)
'MAXBND' (I) Specifies the number of segments the boundary line of the map is divided into when drawn by UMPLIM.  (The initial value is 300.)
'INDEXOUT' (I) The line index for the line for map information such as coastlines. (The initial value is 1.)
'ITYPEOUT' (I) The line type for the line for map information such as coastlines. (The initial value is 1.)
'LGLOBE' (L) When UMSTRF sets a transformation parameter, specifies whether to draw the whole Earth. Whole Earth drawn when .TRUE.; the whole Earth not drawn when .FALSE.. (The initial value is .FALSE..)

The following subroutines are available for handling the internal variables.
UMPQNP(NCP) Counts the total number of internal variables (NCP).
UMPQID(CP,IDX) Determines the position (IDX) of the internal variable CP.
UMPQCP(IDX,CP) Inquires the name (CP) of the internal variable at position IDX.
UMPQVL(IDX,IPARA) Inquires the value (IPARA) of the internal variable at position IDX.
UMPSVL(IDX,IPARA) Changes the value (IPARA) of the internal variable at position IDX
UMpGET calls the above UMPQID to determine the position of an internal variable, and inquires its value using UMPQVL. UMpSET calls UMPQID to determine the position of an internal variable and changes its value using UMPSVL. Therefore, when the specified internal variable is not found, an error message is printed by UMPQID.
Specify an appropriate type of constant or variable for ITYPE.