DCL:GRPH2:UEPACK: Tone Fill Routines: Explanation of Subroutines
Performs tone fill of 2-D contour graphs with tone primitives.
Z (R) A 2-D array of MX * NY. The NX * NY portion is used in the draw routine. MX (I) The first adjustable dimension of array Z. NX (I) The first adjustable dimension of array Z used in the draw routine NY (I) The second adjustable dimension of array Z used in the draw routine
CALL UEGTLB(Z,MX,NX,NY,-REAL(NLEV))NLEV is the value inquired by the internal variable 'NLEV'. (The initial value is 12.) When the internal variable 'LTONE' is .FALSE., the region with a value lower than that inquired by the internal variable 'RLEV' is filled with the tone pattern with the value inquired by the internal variable 'IPAT'. (The initial values of 'RLEV' and IPAT' are 0.0 and 1201, respectively: a right-up hatch.) The initial value of 'LTONE' is .FALSE..